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An Implementation of the MRRR Algorithm on a Data-Parallel Coprocessor

We present and implementation of the Algorithm of Multiple Relatively Robust Representations (MRRR) for the symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue problem on a data-parallel coprocessor using the CUDA programming environment. Our results demonstrate that the algorithm maps well onto a data-parallel architecture and we achieve up to 50-fold speedups compared to LAPACK's MRRR implementation. Our accuracy lacks currently behind those of LAPACK but we believe that these problems can be overcome in the near future.

Project page

MSc. thesis
SOHO: Symmetric and Orthogonal Haar Wavelets on the Sphere

We develop a novel spherical Haar wavelet basis that is both orthogonal and symmetric, rebutting previous work that doubted the existence of such a basis. We also investigate how signals represented in our new basis can be rotated. The practical relevance of the SOHO wavelet basis is verified with experiments.

Project page

TOWA: Wavelet based Precomputed Radiance Transfer

Based on the work by Ng et al. [2004], we explore the influence of sampling strategies and signal approximation on the quality of rendered images.


SULAM: GPU-based Visualization of  Lagrangian Simulations

We demonstrate that state-of-the-art GPUs are well suited for the visualization of node-based implicit surfaces that are the natural surface representation for Lagrangian simulations which are used for example for the simulation of fluids.

SIGGRAPH 2006 poster
Extended abstract

Learning Surface Light Fields

We explore the practicality of Spherical Radial Basis Functions for the representation of surface light fields. Different kernel functions and strategies for obtaining the basis representation of signals are explored.

Project page

ICaster: Ray casting of Quadrics on the GPU

We demonstrate ray casting of quadratic surface at real-time frame rates even for complex scenes. Our implementation shows that the technique can be easily integrated into existing modeling packages.

Project page

Milling Machine

Model of a industrial milling machine which exploits the scripting capabilities of modern modeling packages to enable an interactive exploration of the machine.

Project Page

BSc. thesis
Interactive Ray Tracing and Ray Casting on Programmable Graphics Hardware

We investigate different approaches to interactively ray cast and ray trace complex scenes by combining the compute power of CPU and GPU. Interactive framerates are achieved for the GPU-based ray casting of higher order primitives such as NURBS and Quadrics.

Related publication
Talk presented at Alias | Wavefront (May 2006)

Volume Visualization

We use the compute power of state-of-the-art GPUs to ray cast volume data sets from medical imaging. Improvements in recent hardware enable us to achieve significantly better performance than previous work.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3


We demonstrate that it is possible to perform marker tracking and perspectively correct rendering at interactive frame rates on camera cell phones.

SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketch
Extended Abstract
AR / VR workshop paper

Virtual Showcase for the Deutsche Museum Bonn

We build a virtual showcase for the Deutsche Museum in Bonn which explains the most important parts of photosynthesis.

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