James McCrae


About Me

I worked at Magic Leap as an Independent Contributor for the Synthetic Data and Cloud Validation team, as a Senior Manager of the System Applications team, and as a Lead Software Engineer on the Universe team.

I was the CEO and co-founder of immersive web startup Janus VR.

I studied at the University of Toronto, working in the DGP lab with supervisor Prof. Karan Singh. I received a Bachelor of Science in 2006, Master of Science in 2008, and Doctor of Philosophy in 2014.

My PhD work is on planar section representations of 3D shape, and before that I explored problems in 3D navigation, curve fairing, and sketch-based interfaces. I am a founder and creator of the flatfab modelling software, which culminates the interactive aspect of my PhD work.

In 2015, I was given the University of Toronto's Inventor of the Year award, and the Alain Fournier Award for best Canadian Computer Graphics Dissertation.


FlatFitFab: Interactive Modeling with Planar Sections
James McCrae, Nobuyuki Umetani, Karan Singh
User Interface Software and Technology, 2014 (voted "best presentation" by people's choice)
[PDF] [Project] [Video]
Surface Perception of Planar Abstractions
James McCrae, Niloy Mitra, Karan Singh
Symposium on Applied Perception, 2013 (appears in ACM Transactions on Applied Perception)
[PDF] [Project]
Slices: A Shape-proxy Based on Planar Sections
James McCrae, Karan Singh, Niloy Mitra
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2011 (appears in ACM Transactions on Graphics)
[PDF] [Project]
Neatening sketched strokes using piecewise French Curves
James McCrae, Karan Singh
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, 2011
[PDF] [Project]
Exploring the Design Space of Multiscale 3D Orientation
James McCrae, Michael Glueck, Tovi Grossman, Azam Khan, Karan Singh
Advanced Visual Interfaces, 2010
[PDF] [Video]
Sketch-Based Path Design
James McCrae, Karan Singh
Graphics Interface, 2009
[PDF] [Video] [Code]
Multiscale 3D Navigation
James McCrae, Igor Mordatch, Michael Glueck, Azam Khan
Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 2009
[PDF] [Video]
Sketching Piecewise Clothoid Curves
James McCrae, Karan Singh
Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling, 2008 (best paper award)
[PDF] [Project]

Collaborative Publications

True2Form: 3D Curve Networks from 2D Sketches via Selective Regularization
Baoxuan Xu, William Chang, Alla Sheffer, Adrien Bousseau, James McCrae, Karan Singh
Toward A Unified Representation System of Performance-Related Data
Ebenezer Hailemariam, Michael Glueck, Ramtin Attar, Alex Tessier, James McCrae, Azam Khan
eSim, 2010
BIM-based Building Performance Monitor
Ramtin Attar, Ebenezer Hailemariam, Michael Glueck, Alex Tessier, James McCrae, Azam Khan
Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design, 2010
Data-Driven Curvature for Real-Time Line Drawing of Dynamic Scenes
Evangelos Kalogerakis, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Patricio Simari, James McCrae, Karan Singh, Aaron Hertzmann
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2009

PhD Dissertation

Planar Section Representations of 3D Shape (Alain Fournier award, 2014)
James McCrae, Karan Singh

Master's Thesis

Sketch-Based Path Design
James McCrae, Karan Singh

Graduate Course Projects

ServiceSeeker Toronto
CSC2125, Greg Wilson
Using Salient Lenses for Adaptive Image Display
CSC2228, Eyal de Lara
Master Rai and Student Jin
CSC2529, Karan Singh
Contour Chaining for Stroke Stylization
CSC2521, Aaron Hertzmann
Painterly Rendering for Animation
CSC2521, Aaron Hertzmann
Impressionist Painter
CSC2521, Aaron Hertzmann

Undergraduate Course Projects

Vehicular Signal Acquisition and Processing
CSC492, Arnold Rosenbloom (with Bryan Stuurman)

Other Projects

Janus VR
James McCrae, Karan Singh
James McCrae, Karan Singh, Chris De Paoli
James McCrae, Chantal Timms, Robert Gerlai
Using a Touch Probe to Acquire Muscle Fibre Data
Anne Agur, Azam Khan, Karan Singh

Program Committee Member

Technical Paper Reviewer

Academic Activity

Academic Employment




Other Stuff