Mohit Jain
Senior Research Engineer
Smarter Energy Solutions
IBM Research India
Email: mohitjain [AT] in [.] ibm [.] com
CSE PhD Student
UbiComp lab
University of Washington
Email: mohitj [AT] uw [.] edu
About |
Mohit Jain is the HCI (Human Computer Interaction) expert in the Smarter Energy group at IBM Research India. Along with, he is pursuing PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Washington, working with Dr. Shwetak Patel in the UbiComp lab. He graduated with a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. His research interest includes developing ubiquitous computing systems, designing interaction techniques, collecting and analyzing data, and conducting usability evaluations in the field of Health, Sustainability, Education and HCI4D (HCI for Development). Previously, he has worked at Microsoft Research, HP Labs, and Amazon, and has published at important venues including CHI, UbiComp and IUI.
Apart from research, Mohit loves traveling, attending live music concerts, taking photographs, teaching children, and having long conversation.
More information can be found in Mohit's Curriculum Vitae (pdf).
Education |
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
PhD, Computer Science and Engineering (Specialization: Ubiquitous Computing), started Sept’15
Advisor: Dr. Shwetak Patel, GPA: 3.94/4.0 (received MS, Jun’16)
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M.S, Computer Science (Specialization: Human Computer Interaction), Jan’11
Advisor: Dr. Ravin Balakrishnan, GPA: 4.0/4.0
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of ICT (DA-IICT), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
B.Tech, Information and Communication Technology, May’09, GPA: 9.61/10 (Bronze Medalist)
Professional Experiences |
University of Washington USA [Sept'15 - current]
Graduate Research Assistant, UbiComp lab
Designing, developing and evaluating health sensing smartphone applications. Specifically exploring Blood Pressure measurement techniques using the existing sensors on smartphones.
IBM Research India [Jun'12 - current]
Software Research Engineer III, Smarter Energy Team
Technical lead, designer and developer of UI framework for energy visualizations used across multiple projects, with these modules: Energy Efficiency Persuasive Interfaces, Demand Response Dashboards for residential and commercial consumers, Diesel Generator optimization module, and Collaborative scheduler. Apart from that worked on several projects, in the domain of education, energy, and healthcare, with emphasis on development, deployments, data analysis and usability evaluation.
Amazon USA [Oct'11 - May'12]
Software Development Engineer, Digital Videogames Team
Developed the Amazon platform to sell videogames and digital game rewards.
HP Labs India [Jun'11 - Sept'11]
Research Intern, Mobile and Immersive Experience Lab, Advisor: Dr. Sriganesh Madhvanath
Developed and evaluated various distal pointing techniques to interact with large displays using phones.
Microsoft Research India [Feb'11 - May'11]
Research Intern, Technology for Emerging Markets Team, Advisor: Aishwarya Ratan, Dr. Ed Cutrell
Compared low-cost approaches like digital slate, cell phone, etc. for digitizing health data at the source of collection, to shorten the data recording time and maintain high quality records, in rural India.
University of Toronto [Sep'09 - Jan'11]
Graduate Research Assistant, Advisor: Dr. Ravin Balakrishnan
Developed and evaluated novel eyes-free interaction techniques for handheld devices, and technologies for supplementing collaborative education in resource-constrained regions.
Microsoft Research India [May'10 - Aug'10]
Visiting Researcher, Technology for Emerging Markets Team, Advisor: Dr. Ed Cutrell
Conducted field-study of the game-based mobile collaborative education systems, in two rural Indian schools. Our exploration considered the types of interaction that occur, and the impact on learning outcomes.
Greenbelt Foundation [Sep'09 - Dec'09]
Interface Designer Designed user interface of Fresh Food Finder for greenbeltfresh.ca, based on interviews, user studies and heuristic evaluation. Greenbelt Fresh connects the farmers with consumers and bulk purchasers.
University of California Berkeley [Jun'07 - July'07]
Software Developer and Researcher, Advisors: Dr. Joyojeet Pal, Udai Pawar Singh and Sukumar Anikar
Worked in an interdisciplinary collaborative project between UC Berkeley, Microsoft Research India and Azim Premji Foundation. The project involved integrating multiple mice in the Flash-based multimedia educational content, used for educating primary school children, with an aim to provide active and collaborative learning.
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Shiksh Sansthan [Jun'06 - July'06]
ICT Researcher Explored ICT applications to improve the condition of rural sector.
A period of 6 weeks was spent in villages, and several projects were taken up, including working as a teacher in Dr. B.R.Ambedkar High School, Sudamdih, and helping in the smooth functioning of Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Free Computer Education Training Center, Phoos Bangla.
Publications |
Jain, M., Chandan, V., Prakash, A.P., Arya, V., Sridhar, R. and Ramesh, B. Software-only Occupancy Inference in a Workplace. Proceedings of IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT North America), 2016. [ paper]
Jain, M., Chandan, V., Minou, M., Thanos, G., Wijaya, T.K., Lindt, A. and Gylling, A. Methodologies for Effective Demand Response Messaging. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) 2015, IEEE, pp. 453-458. [ paper, link]
Jain, M., Chhabra, D. and Singh, A. Comparing Energy Feedback Techniques for Dormitory Students in India. Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys) 2015, ACM Press, pp. 221-224. [ paper, link]
Jain, M., Khadilkar, H., Sengupta, N., Charbiwala, Z., Tennakoon, K.U., Wahab, R.H.A, Silva, L.C. and Seetharam, D. Collaborative Energy Conservation in a Microgrid. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys) 2014, ACM Press, pp. 130-139. [27.6% acceptance rate] [Best Paper Award] [Runner-up Best Presentation Award] [ paper, ppt, link]
Chandan, V., Jain, M., Khadilkar, H., Charbiwala, Z., Jain, A., Ghai, S., Kunnath, R. and Seetharam, D. UrJar: A Lighting Solution using Discarded Laptop Batteries. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV) 2014, ACM Press. [29.7% acceptance rate] [ paper, ppt, link]
Chetlur, M., Tamhane. A., Reddy, V., Sengupta, B., Jain, M., Sukjunnimit, P. and Wagh, R. EduPaL: Enabling Blended Learning in Resource Constrained Environments. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV) 2014, ACM Press. [29.7% acceptance rate] [ paper, ppt, link]
Jain, M., Chabra, D., Mankoff, J. and Singh, A. Energy Usage Attitudes of Urban India. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S) 2014, Atlantis press, pp. 208-217. [ paper]
Jain, M., Agrawal, A., Ghai, S.K., Truong, K.N. and Seetharam, D.P. " We are not in the loop": Resource Wastage and Conservation Attitude of Employees in Indian Workplace. Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing 2013 (UbiComp 2013), ACM Press, pp. 687-696. [20% acceptance rate] [ paper, ppt]
Jain, M., Cockburn, A. and Madhvanath, S. Comparison of Phone-based Distal Pointing Techniques for Point-Select Tasks. Proceedings of INTERACT 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 8118, Part II, pp. 714-801. [ paper, ppt]
Jain, M., Tekchandani, K. and Truong, K.N. Evaluating the Effect of Phrase Set in Hindi Text Entry. Proceedings of INTERACT 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 8120, Part IV, pp. 195-202. [ paper, phrase set, ppt]
Shrinivasan, Y.B., Jain, M., Seetharam, D.P., Choudhary, A., Huang, E., Dillahunt, T. and Mankoff, J. Deep Conservation in Urban India and its Implications for the Design of Conservation Technologies. In Proceedings of the ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2013 (CHI 2013), ACM Press, pp. 1969-1978. [20% acceptance rate]
[ link, paper]
Medhi, I., Jain, M., Tewari, A., Bhavsar, M., Fischer, M.M. and Cutrell, E. Combating Rural Child Malnutrition through Inexpensive Mobile Phones. In Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI 2012), ACM Press, pp. 635-644. [24.6% acceptance rate] [ link, paper]
Medhi, I., Tewari, A., Jain, M. and Cutrell, E. The Fate of a Digital Slate: Unexpected Issues with Deployment in Rural India. User Experience Magazine: Volume 11, Issue 2, UXPA Publications, 2012.
[ link]
Jain, M. and Balakrishnan, R. User Learning and Performance with Bezel Menus. In Proceedings of the ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2012 (CHI 2012), ACM Press, pp. 2221-2230. [23% acceptance rate] [ link, paper]
Jain, M., Birnholtz, J., Cutrell, E. and Balakrishnan, R. Exploring Display Techniques for Mobile Collaborative Learning in Developing Regions. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services 2011 (MobileHCI 2011), ACM Press, pp. 81-90. [22.8% acceptance rate] [ link, paper]
Gupta, A., Shekhar, P., Samdaria, N., Jain, M. and Pal, J. DISHA: Multiple Mice in Narrative Content-based Computer Aided Learning for Children. Interaction Design for International Development (IDID), 2010, Bombay, India. [ paper, video]
Lal, S., Jain, M. and Chaplot, V. Approaches to Formal Verification of Security Protocols. IMY-CRSI National Workshop on Cryptology, 2009, Surat, India. [ paper]
Pal, J., Pawar, U.S., Joshi, A., Jain, M., Thota, S.G., Teja, S. and Anikar, S. From Pilot to Practice: Creating Multiple-Input Multimedia Content for Real-World Deployment. Intelligent User Interfaces for Developing Regions (IUI4DR), 2008, Canary Islands, Spain. [ paper]
Patent |
Jain, M. and Prakash, A.P. Display Interaction based upon a Distance of Input. 2016.
Kota, R.C., Bandyopadhyay, S., Mitra, R., Jain, M., and Arya, V. Identifying and Prioritizing Errors in Connectivity Models of Distribution Networks for Efficient Field Inspections. 2016
Jain, M., Nawhal, M., Dupatti, S., and Dechu, S. Indoor Location Detection using Ceiling Patterns. 2015.
Jain, M., Prakash, A.P. and Charbiwala, Z, M. Single-hand, Full-screen Interaction on a Mobile Device. 2015.
Jain, M., Madhvanath, S. and Sharma, V. WO2013157013. Selection of User Interface Elements of a Graphical User Interface. 2013.
Poster + Demos + Workshop |
Chandan, V., Jain, M., Khadilkar, H., Charbiwala, Z., Jain, A., Ghai, S., Kunnath, R. and Seetharam, D. UrJar: A device to address energy poverty using e-waste. Proceedings of the ACM Sixth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (eEnergy), 2015, ACM Press, pp/ 195-196. [ link, paper]
Minou, M., Thanos, G., Vasirani, M., Ganu, T., Jain, M. and Gylling, A. Evaluating Demand Response Programs: Getting the Key Performance Indicators Right. International Workshop on Demand Response at eEnergy 2014, pp. 25-30. [ link, paper]
Jain, M., Shrinivasan, Y. and Dillahunt, T. Replicating Residential Sustainability Study in Urban India. RepliCHI Workshop at CHI 2013, pp 58-62.
[ link, paper]
Jain, M., Gupta, A., Samdaria, N., Shekhar, P. and Pal, J. DISHA: DISease and Health Awareness for Children on Multiple Input Devices. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2009), 2009, Doha, Qatar. [ paper, video]
Technical Reports and Articles |
Jain, M. and Chandan, V. UrJar: Powering a New India. Business World. [ link]
Jain, M., Lal, S. and Mathuria, A. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Micropayment: A Survey and Critical Analysis. DA-IICT (2008), Gandhinagar, India. [ paper]
Jain, M., Lal, S., Swain, S., Teja, S. and Thota, S.G. gSeek: An Autonomous Information Cataloguing Service. TechMarket '08, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar, India. [ paper]
- Jain, M. and Amin, A. Time table algorithm. DA-IICT (2009), Gandhinagar, India.
Technical Awards |
Received IBM Research 2016 'Outstanding Technical Achievement Award' for co-leading the UrJar project
Received IBM Research 2016 'Outstanding Technical Achievement Award' for contributions to User Centric Demand Management project
Received IBM Research 2016 'Unite to Get it Done Now' Award
Received IBM Research 2015 'O Level Accomplishment' Award for the Connectivity Models project
Received IBM Research 2015 'A Level Accomplishment' Award for the UrJar project
Received IBM Research 2015 'A Level Accomplishment' Award for the Wattalyst project
Received IBM Research 2015 'A Level Accomplishment' Award for the Connectivity Models project
Received IBM Research 2015 'Unite to Get it Done Now' Award
Received IBM Research 2015 'Put the Client First' Award
Received IBM Research 2015 'Research Division Award' for Energy Efficiency in Brunei
Received IBM Research 2014 'A Level Accomplishment' Award for Efficient Energy Generation and Consumption in Brunei
Received IBM Research 2014 'A Level Accomplishment' Award for Technology for Education (IDEAL) Project
Best Paper Award at BuildSys 2014
Runner-up Best Presentation Award at BuildSys 2014
Received IBM Research 2014 Team Dinner Award
Received IBM Research 2014 'Dare to Create Original Ideas' Award
Received IBM Research 2014 'Show Personal Interest' Award
DISHA: DISease and Health Awareness, secured 3rd position in Microsoft Imagine Cup 2009 National Finals (Software Design Competition)
gSeek: An Autonomous Information Cataloguing Service, secured 1st position in TechMarket '08, Technical Paper Presentation Contest at DA-IICT
Gujarat Informatics Limited Portal, secured 1st position in IBM INVITE, 2007 Competition
Fellowships and
Scholarships |
University of Washington Graduate Fellowship 20015-16
University of Toronto Graduate Fellowship 2009-10 and 2010-11
Wolfond Fellowship 2009 of CA$5600
ICTD2009 travel grant of US$600, free registration and accommodation
Invited Talks |
Invited for a Guest talk at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne), in Sept 2013
Invited for a Guest talk at IBM Zurich Research Lab, in Sept 2013
Invited for a Guest Lecture at the IEEE ANTS (IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems) 2012 conference
Personal Achievements |
Selected to attend the Microsoft Research India Summer School 2010 on Computing for Socio-Economic Development
Awarded the Bronze Medal for securing 3rd rank in a class of 240 students at DA-IICT
Selected to attend the Microsoft Research India Summer School 2009 on Networking
Secured 2nd position in QuizKrieg '08 - the intra DA-IICT Quizzing competition
Coordinator of the Cultural Event, Proscenium (The Dramatics Event), at Synapse '08 - the techno-cultural festival of DA-IICT
Section Editor of Tachyon (The Technical Section) for the campus Magazine - Entelechy '2006-07
Coordinator of the Technical Event, Explore, at Synapse '07
Secured an All India Rank of 8078 (Top 2% of the country) in the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) '05
School Topper in Std X (AISSE) and second topper in Std XII (AISSCE) Board Exams with 89.4% and 90.6% aggregate
Secured 1st position in class in all the terminal examinations in school, from Std I to Std X
Teaching Assistant |
CSE 414: Introduction to Data Management University of Washington, Spring '16
CSE 590P: Advanced Topics in Ubiquitous Computing University of Washington, Fall '15
CSC 428/CSC 2514: Human Computer Interaction University of Toronto, Fall '10
CSC 343: Introduction to Databases Univesity of Toronto, Spring '10
CSC 369: Operating Systems University of Toronto, Fall '09
IT 215: Systems Software DA-IICT, Spring '09
IT 205: Data Structures and Algorithms DA-IICT, Fall '08
Conferences Attended |
Second Author eEnergy 2015, Bangalore, India
First Author BuildSys 2014, Memphis, USA
First Author UbiComp 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
First Author INTERACT 2013, Cape Town, South Africa
Guest Lecturer IEEE ANTS 2012, Bangalore, India
First Author CHI 2012, Austin, Texas, USA
First Author MobileHCI 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
Student Volunteer CHI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
First Author ICTD 2009, Doha, Qatar
Reviewer |
APCHI 2012
CHI 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015
CSCW 2014
DIS 2012
IUI 2015
MobileHCI 2011, 2012
UbiComp 2013, 2014
| Viewable with any Browser (link) | |
Last Updated: Sep 2016 |