Mentors and Collaborators
- Prof. Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed (Ph.D. advisor, University of Toronto)
- Prof. Robert Soden (Ph.D. Advisor, University of Toronto)
- Prof. Steve Easterbrook (Ph.D. Advisor, University of Toronto)
- Prof. Kentaro Toyama (Ph.D. Advisor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor)
- Prof. Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme (Ph.D. Advisor, University of Waterloo)
- Prof. Amy Voida (Ph.D. advisor, University of Colorado Boulder)
- Prof. Abu Wasif and Prof. Eunus Ali (Undergraduate thesis advisors, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology)
- Prof. Jay Chen (Research mentor, Design Technology Lab, New York University Abu Dhabi)
- Prof. Joyojeet Pal (Research mentor, Microsoft Research India/University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
- Prof. Hasan Shahid Ferdous (Research Collaborator, University of Melbourne)
- Prof. Shion Guha (Research Collaborator, Marquette University)
- Prof. Ruhul Amin (Research Collaborator, Fordham University)
In addition to them, I have met amazing faculties, superb classmates, beautiful juniors, and fabulous seniors in my undergraduate school. I am working with wonderful colleagues in my lab. I meet people during my ethnography. Every little interaction shapes my attitude of how do I see the surrounding and think about the world. I am thankful to all of them.