Sketching and Composing Widgets for 3D Manipulation
Ryan Schmidt, Karan Singh, Ravin Balakrishnan
Eurographics 2008 - April 14-18 in Crete, Greece, 2008

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We present an interface for 3D object manipulation in which standard transformation tools are replaced with transient 3D widgets invoked by sketching context-dependent strokes. The widgets are automatically aligned to axes and planes determined by the user’s stroke. Sketched pivot-points further expand the interaction vocabulary. Using gestural commands, these basic elements can be assembled into dynamic, user-constructed 3D transformation systems. We supplement precise widget interaction with techniques for coarse object positioning and snapping. Our approach, which is implemented within a broader sketch-based modeling system, also integrates an underlying "widget history" to enable the fluid transfer of widgets between objects. An evaluation indicates that users familiar with 3D manipulation concepts can be taught how to efficiently use our system in under an hour.



None yet...

Data, Software, and so on

The sketch-based widgets described in this publication were implemented in ShapeShop B4. You can download the current version of ShapeShop from Since these widgets may have changed in future versions, you can also download all previous releases from

BibTex Citation

  author       = "Ryan Schmidt and Karan Singh and Ravin Balakrishnan",
  title        = "Sketching and Composing Widgets for 3D Manipulation",
  journal      = "Computer Graphics Forum",
volume = 27,
number = 2, year = 2008,
pages = "301--310",
note = "Proceedings of Eurographics 2008", url = "" }


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