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Shen's Blog

Friday, July 29, 2005

Microsoft Research Wine Down

This is the perfect week for lazy people like me :). We have events one after the other with free food, and sometimes awesome free food. Lunch time, I went to a SQL server talk which provided various cakes and cookies, and dinner time, we had the wonderful Microsoft Research Wine Down with fruit, salad, chicken strips, shrimps, and crabs, and of course, some rare wines.

This is also the last weekday before SIGGRAPH, so many of the graphics folks are busy packing and preparing for their annual festival at LA. It was fun talking to them about it.

Tomorrow is the Microsoft Company Picnic. Anyway, it means more free food for all of us. This one runs from 1 pm to 6 pm, so possibly includes two meals :) Yummi!

Alright, I won't have to cook for another two days :).


  • At 9:04 PM, GadgetMan said…

    My goodness! It sounds like free food, and party, party, party. Is there any time to get some work done? Hehe, just kidding. Sounds like a great working environment at Microsoft.

    So, Microsoft people do know how to have fun, besides coding. Again, just kidding!

  • At 1:03 PM, Shen said…

    Well, there are some parties every week, but I also see many people working late at night. Personally, I think these parties are necessary since otherwise, people like us (who are from other places) will have no entertainment at all :).

  • At 6:26 AM, Joew said…

    I have just attended a lecture from a lead programmer in the Office 2007 group and there was no food and no win e, only hard work.


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