Shen's Blog

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

More on life at Microsoft Research

Living in Bellevue, working at Redmond.
Living in the temporary housing arranged by Microsoft is amazing. I living in Heritage Park which is across the street from building 113 (where I work), but it turns out to be two different cities. I found it out when I opened my bank account at Bank of America. From the clerk's name card, I noticed the address is at Redmond while my address is at Bellevue, and we are only divided by avenue 148, so everyday, I walk from Bellevue to Redmond, and Redmond to Bellevue several times :).


  • At 1:54 PM, annie said…

    lol, you must be getting LOTS of exercise by walking from one city to another! ^O^

  • At 2:34 PM, Shen said…

    Thanks Annie! I do need more exercise :).

  • At 7:43 PM, GadgetMan said…

    Hey Shen, take some pics so we can see where you're walking. Perhaps a pic of the MSR campus would be nice, if you're allowed to and don't get mauled by any Microsoft security.

  • At 8:36 PM, Shen said…

    Yes, Alvin. I am going to buy a camera soon so I can take some pictures. I am waiting for my paycheck right now ... :)


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