Shen's Blog

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Tech Fest, Ballmer's Speech & WindowsVista

On another rare sun-shining day at Redmond (July 27th), the 2005 Tech Fest for interns and new grads started on the soccer field in front of building 19. Before you enter the field, we received another T-shirt. (Up to this point, I already have three Microsoft shirts, while my roommate received five.) Let's see if I will fulfill my T-shirt needs for the next few years with the ones I received here.

All important ingredients for a good party: free food, drink (with alcohol), ice-cream, along with "tones of people" are supplied, and "YES", Steve Ballmer will give a speech (how can we ask for anything more?).

Before the speech starts, someone warned me that Ballmer might be jumping up and down on the stage which kicks in some more antipication :). After a round of food and socializing chat, Ballmer started the speech under his famous deep, passionate voice. I can't really remember what he said besides the word "innovation", and his statement on attempting to grab more shares from Sony for Xbox, but one thing is for sure: his speech is never boring. Passion seems to be a perfect spice to rejuvenate any daily dishes. Ballmer is indeed unique!

After the speech, we wandered around at the WindowsVista demonstration booths. I got a good lesson on how to use Visual Studio more efficiently, and checked out IE 7 (which looks like a hybrid of Opera and Safari).


  • At 7:48 PM, GadgetMan said…

    At Tech Fest, they should've given away free software instead of free T-shirts. I have so many free T-shirts. Perhaps a free evaluation copy of Windows Vista would have been nice :)

    Anyways, how is Windows Vista? From my reading, they say with Vista, you can describe metadata of the folders and the folder system is like Apple's Mac OSX. Also, the security of Vista is similar to Linux. So Microsoft is taking some pages off their competitors, which is not very surprising.

    Yes, Steve Ballmer is such an enthusiastic fella.

  • At 8:34 PM, Shen said…

    Thanks Alvin! I now know it's Ballmer instead of Balmer :). WindowsVista seems to be improved significantly. Microsoft is good at learning all the great things others have done and improve on them. Their next version of C# is quite amazing. I am starting to worry about Java now.

  • At 6:12 AM, D said…

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    Btw: Love This Blog :)

    Best Regards

  • At 6:27 AM, mark.woodcock said…

    What about the new version of MS Office. I have just upgraded and cannot find a thing.

    However, I have also just changed my Internet into WIFI and I can now access the internet whilst sat outside in on my garden bench getting a lovely sun tan.

    Although, with living in the UK I suspect I shouldnt be talking about sun tans, more like rain tans:)


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