Shen's Blog

Friday, August 05, 2005

Writing Program for an Experiment

Well, a little bit about what I do here. I am studying several possibilities of gesture-based menus. I did a paper with Ravin last year on Simple vs. Compound Mark Hierarchical Marking Menus, and now we are thinking of ways to extend the design space into new possibilities, and it will again involve some experiment to test the new designs. I am writing the code for the experiment right now in C#. One thing that's frustrating is that the code I am writing is actually going to be similar to the code I wrote last time, so there will involve a lot of redundant work. I am hoping to create a toolkit that can be re-used everytime we run a similar experiment. It will be nice to design a platform for experiment that can be reused everytime. If anyone is interested in making such platform, I will be happy to participate.

By August 1st, I finished preparing the camera ready version of my InfoVis05 paper: Elastic Hierarchies: Combining Treemaps and Node-Link Diagrams. This process is indeed quite tiring. The placement of the figures in Microsoft Word is still very hard to use and very difficult to get right. I am not sure if I need to switch to Latex or not for paper writing. Another tedious job is to make the reference look right. As a beginner of Endnote user, there are a lot of tricks on setting things to the correct format. when I have time, I need to setup a reference template for CHI, UIST, and InfoVis, so I don't have to worry about them in the future.


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