Shen's Blog

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Components of Mindfulness

I was fortunate to go to this talk today at UofT on components of Mindfulness. I don't remember everything I heard, but roughly, mindfulness includes three parts.

1. Total concentration
2. Mindful reflection (without greed, hatred, accumulate spiritual gain)
3. Insightful (understand the properties of objects)

I am glad to find the Buddhism study group at UofT, and excited to know there is a conference on Mindfulness on Oct. 15 from 9 am - 5 pm at Bahen center.

For more information, one can get it at

On the way back, I found an English translation of the poem I liked by Hui-neng, the sixth patriarch of Ch'an (Zne):

There is no bodhi tree,
Nor mind of mirror bright,
Since all is void,
Where can the dust alight?


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