CHI 2014 Best Paper Award

The team behind Duet: Exploring joint interactions on a smart phone and a smart watch was pleased to learn the project has been named one of CHI2014’s best papers. We look forward to sharing the work with the conference.

People’s Choice Best Talk Award

The CHI People’s Choice Best Talk Award has been officially announced. If you’re coming to CHI, get ready to pick your favourites for special recognition!

UIST Papers Deadline Set

We are pleased to announce that UIST 2014 papers will be due on April 16 through PCS. The official call will appear on the ACM website shortly.

CHI 2014: People’s Choice Talk Awards Chair

Daniel Wigdor has volunteered as CHI’s first chair of People’s Choice Talk Awards(for 2014). The goal is to reward high-quality talks by allowing conference attendees to vote for their favourites. The People’s Choice Awards will be presented at the end of the conference. So, CHI 2014 presenters, be on notice: a good talk can lead to fame and fortune!