Capstone Course Petitions

Students interested in taking Daniel Wigdor’s capstone design course (CSC490): between August 1 and August 31, send Daniel Wigdor an email with the subject line capstone petition, with the following additional details:
Your transcript
Your program of study
A 1-paragraph description of why you would like to take the course, including how it fits-in to your career goals
A 1-paragraph description of a position you have held in which you have demonstrated an ability to work effectively without direct supervision

CHI People’s Choice Best Talk Awards

2014 saw the introduction to CHI of the People’s Choice Best Talk Awards. The top 8 talks among hundreds were chosen by the audience. Daniel Wigdor is proud to say 2 of those selected were given by students on his projects: Xiang Anthony Chen for Duet, and Jishuo Yang for Panelrama. Congratulations to them both!

CHI Papers Talks Schedule

The CHI advance program has been posted online. Daniel Wigdor’s collaborators will be presenting 6 papers at the conference:
Monday: Mike Glueck presents Splash! at 4pm in 701A
Monday: Anthony Chen presents Duet at 11:00am in Exhibit Hall G
Tuesday: Ricardo Jota presents Let’s Kick It at 11am in Exhibit Hall G
Wednesday: Peter Hamilton presents Conductor at 2pm in 714AB
Wednesday: Jishuo Yang presents Panelrama at 2pm in 714AB
Thursday: Thariq Shihipar presents Slide to X at 11am in 701B

CHI 2014 Best Paper Award

The team behind Duet: Exploring joint interactions on a smart phone and a smart watch was pleased to learn the project has been named one of CHI2014’s best papers. We look forward to sharing the work with the conference.

People’s Choice Best Talk Award

The CHI People’s Choice Best Talk Award has been officially announced. If you’re coming to CHI, get ready to pick your favourites for special recognition!

UIST Papers Deadline Set

We are pleased to announce that UIST 2014 papers will be due on April 16 through PCS. The official call will appear on the ACM website shortly.

DGP is Hiring

The Department of Computer Science is seeking a new staff member to fill the position of Faculty Support Staff to serve the department in the DGP lab. This is a wonderful opportunity to join a vibrant lab and department with an outstanding interdisciplinary and international culture. Please see the U of T job posting for information about the position, and how to apply.