A skip list is a sorted, linked list of n nodes.Skip List PropertyEach node can have many pointers:
A level-k node has k + 1 pointers, each corresponding to a level:standard linked-list node ( level 0 )
level 1 node
level 2 node
A level-k pointer in a node with data d points to the following node of levelHeader Nodek, with data
A "header" node H has keyPerfect Skip Listsand points to the first node of each level.
The variable "MaxLevel" stores the maximum level in a list.
In a perfect skip list, a level-k node points to theSearching in a Skip Listnode past it.
Like so :
Level 0 points to the 1st node " 1 " 2nd " " 2 " 4th " " 3 " 8th "
A skip list need not necessarily be perfect.Running Time
Node x haskey( x )
next( x, L)
(the level - L pointer from x)
IdeaSearch on the highest level as far as possible, then "drop down" and search on next level.
e.g. Search for 40This results in the following code :
So in the previous picture -
Iteration 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x at start H 22 22 22 29 29 40
With each iteration, either -Insertion in a Skip List
[A] x moves forward in its current level or [B] L moves down a level ![]()
In a perfect skip list -MaxLevel, so the total cost of all [B]'s is
O( log n ).
Moving forward in a level skips over half the nodes remaining to the right of x, so [A] occurs only once per level. Total cost of all [A]'s is thusO( log n )
Insertion at the front of a perfect skip list requires "shifting" all the data (but not the nodes) one node to the right: costGenerating a Random LevelO( n )!
Don't use perfect skip lists. When inserting , choose the new node's level randomly !
Based on the observation that (in a perfect list)
of all nodes are level-0,
are level-1, etc :
level probability 0 ![]()
1 ![]()
2 ![]()
... ... k ![]()
IdeaInsertion- Flip a coin until it lands 'heads'.
- The level obtained is the number of flips - 1.
Idea- Traverse the list as we did in 'Search'.
- Every time we go down a level,remember where the pointer was.
- Update those pointers when the new node is created.
from [Weiss], inserting 22 :
*d_sL09*Remember the pointers :Nodes[ 2 ] = node 13
Nodes[ 1 ] = node 20
Nodes[ 0 ] = node 20where Nodes[ i ] is the node at which x was when the level went from i to i-1.
In practice, this looks something like this :e.g.
Now let's go back and trace the example from Weiss above :
With NewLevel = 2, we find -![]()
Iteration x L action 1 H 3 advance x 2 13 3 decr L 3 13 2 Nodes[ 2 ] 13, decr L
4 13 1 advance x 5 20 1 Nodes[ 1 ] 20, decr L
6 20 0 Nodes[ 0 ] 20, decr L
7 20 -1 exit loop ![]()
To create n :Next( n, 2 )NULL; Next( 13, 2 )
Next( n, 1 )29; Next( 20, 1 )
Next( n, 0 )23; Next( 20, 0 )
Insert and Delete take time proportional to Search : they search, then update at most MaxLevel pointers - so we'll just analyze Search( ).Summary of Randomized AlgorithmsLemma 1
Let Level( x ) be the level of node x.
Intuition :![]()
P( Level( x )
i ) =
Lemma 2
In a list of n nodes, E( MaxLevel )
Intuition (no proof ) :
In a list of n nodes, the number of nodes of each level is expected to be
Level E( # of nodes of that level ) 0 n
1 n
2 n
k ![]()
log n -1 = 1
log n =
log n +1 =
In a skip list of n nodes, the expected time of Search, Insert, and Delete is O( log n ).
Let's follow the header-to-element path backward from the element.
Search( 45 )
Expected search time is equal to the expected number of 'back' and 'up' steps.![]()
Node Level Action 45 0 back 44 0 up 44 1 back 29 1 back 22 1 up 22 2 up 22 3 back H 3 Observation
In following the path backward, at node x and level L, we -
- go back if level( x ) = L
- go up if level( x ) > L
P( back ) =
P( up ) =
Let C( k ) be the expected length of a path that rises k levels.
(e.g. in the previous diagram, we rose 3 levels = MaxLevel - 0)
C( k ) = P( back ) * ( 1 step back + C( k ) )
+ P( up ) * ( 1 step up + C( k-1 ) )
( 1 + C( k ) ) +
( 1 + C( k-1 ) )
= 1 +
C( k ) +
C( k-1 )
= 2 + C( k-1 )
= 2 k
since C( 0 ) = 0
A path rising k levels has expected length 2 k.
Let's follow the path back until we reach level
(expected MaxLevel).
- but we might not be at the header yet. We must follow the pointers back to the header, going through nodes of levelexpected cost =
expected cost
expected number of nodes
of level
expected cost
2 log n + 2
O( log n ), thus -
The key to the proof is in counting the path length backward.Skip list operations take expected time O( log n )!![]()
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BSP - randomized insertion order
- expected tree size O( n log n )Universal Hashing - randomized hash function
- probability of collision is![]()
Skip List - randomized level of new node
- expected running time O( log n )![]()
In general :No upper bounds, so we could have a bad 'worst case' performance in some (infrequent) cases.
The randomization makes the algorithm immune to 'bad input' which, without randomization, would cause poor performance.
In the examples above, there is no input guaranteed to cause bad performance.
Randomized algorithms are often quite simple to implement.
'Quicksort' is another example.