Do not ask a tutor or the professor to remark something in class.
Your mark can decrease if the tutor sees something that was incorrectly awarded too high a mark.
You may not submit a remarking request later than TWO WEEKS from the date on which the assignments were returned. We will not accept remarking requests after this deadline. It's your responsibility to pick up your assignment as soon as possible. If you weren't in class when it was handed back, pick it up from the CSSU immediately.
If you are comparing your assignment to that of another student, hand in BOTH assignments.
The remarked assignment will be returned in the CSSU and the tutor will send you email when it's ready.
If you are not satisfied with the remarking, arrange by email a meeting with the tutor who remarked your assignment. Try to resolve the problem constructively.
If you have had a meeting with the tutor and are still not satisfied, arrange by email a meeting with the professor. Under no circumstances should you contact the professor until after you have had a face-to-face meeting with the tutor.