University of Toronto

CSC454/2527S: The Business of Software

January-April 2001

Assignment C: Plan v1

Handed Out: 22 January 2001, 6 p.m.

Due In: 5 February 2001, 5:30 p.m.

Marks: 8%

Each team will submit a draft executive summary (with ellipses) for its ultimate business plan, as well as a skeletal draft business plan. This is to be handed in to Prof. Baecker’s assignment box in SF4306 on paper in three (3) copies at 5:30 p.m. on February 5th.

Emphasis should be placed on a first attempt to:

• present the basic idea, objectives, and mission statement for the new venture

• describe in detail the product or service and the market to be served

• conjecture who the customer would be for the product or service, what the "user benefit" would be, and what the customer might be willing to pay

• describe the competitive landscape into which your product or service will be introduced, how you will position yourself in this landscape, and how you will differentiate yourself from the competition. (IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU WORK VERY HARD ON THIS NOW.)

All of this will be refined and elaborated throughout the term.

The typical submission could be expected to be from 8 to 12 pages on paper not counting the title page table of contents page. Although individual submissions will differ, the largest component, i.e., over 50% of the text, should focus on competitive analysis. The paper report must be typed and submitted on 8.5"X11" paper. Structure and organization, spelling, grammar, word usage, and document appearance will count for roughly 15% of your total grade. Sketches, diagrams, and tables should be used where appropriate to assist in conveying concepts. Such methods are particular appropriate for conveying competitive information and product positioning.

Submissions that are not written in minimally acceptable English will be returned for rework and resubmission.

Each submission must include a title page with a meaningful title, your names, your student ID#s, your tutor's name, the course name and number, and the date. The second page should contain a one-paragraph Elevator Pitch and a table of contents. The first page must also:

• indicate who on each team is primarily responsible for what part of the work; and,

• which two team members will make the final oral presentations on April 2th or on April 9th.

All other team members will make oral presentations on February 26th.

If you are still considering two ideas, or have variants of an idea that seem interesting, please mention them briefly in point form at the end of your submission. Although it gets increasingly difficult by early February and impossible by late February, you still have wiggle room to change your idea into a better one.