Computer Science Ballot – 1999-2000

University of Toronto
Department of Computer Science
Use this form to request enrolment in:

CSC 318S – The Design of Interactive Computational Media

Instructions: Print off and complete this form. When completed, staple and return this ballot along with any extra material you feel relevant to Professor Ron Baecker's Office in SF4306. The information you provide will be used for admission into CSC 318S. Enrolment is limited. For consideration, this form must be returned by the usual balloting deadline.

Family name (block letters) _______________________ Given names _______________________

Student No:   __________________________________  College: __________________________ 

Telephone no. (day time) ________________________

Status: Full time
o Part time o Number of credits completed: ___________ 

General Background: What program are you in? _______________________________________ 

Computer Science Background: Having some computer courses and experience is important, although no particular course is required. Check off any courses (or equivalent) you have taken:

CSC 104H

The Why and How of Computing


CSC 108H

Introduction to Computer Programming


CSC 148H

Introduction to Computer Science


CSC 300H

Computers and Society


CSC 340H

Information Systems Analysis & Design


CSC 428H

Human Computer Interaction




Design Background: A background in design is useful in designing new media and interfaces. List courses or experience you have in graphic design, industrial design, filmmaking, video, media, or the arts.





Behavioural Science Background: Understanding how people think, feel, and behave is useful for teamwork and essential for designing and evaluating the utility, useability, and appropriateness of new media and their interfaces. List any courses or experience you have in psychology, sociology, or other behavioural and social sciences.







Writing, Presentation and Group Skills: In this course you will work with a team on a project to design, prototype, and evaluate a new computational medium and its interface. What writing, presentation, and group interaction skills can you bring to bear on this project?




What is your favourite computer interface? Why?




What is your favourite non-computer interface? Why?




Name an application that could use a new or better computerized interface? Why?




Sketch or diagram one of these three interfaces indicating good & bad features:








Is this course a (pre)requisite for a CS program you’re enrolled in? Which one?



Why do you wish to take this course?







Date _________________________ Signature _________________________

Return this signed ballot along with supporting material such as photocopies of your grades and a brief resume to Professor Ron Baecker's Office, SF4306 by the balloting deadline. Late ballots will not be considered.