University of Toronto

CSC454/2527F: The Business of Software

January-April 2001

Course Texts and Readings

02 January 2001

Required Texts

(VV) Baecker, Ronald M. (2000). The Business of Software. Lecture Notes, posted to course Web site.

(BUS) Rich, Stanley R. and Gumpert, David E. (1985). Business Plans That Win $$$: Lessons from the MIT Enterprise Forum. Harper & Row, paperback, $19.95.

(ENT) Brandt, Steven C. (1983, 1997). Entrepreneuring: The Ten Commandments for Building a Growth Company. Archipelago Publishing, $18.25.

(HTV) Bell, C. Gordon with McNamara, John E.. (1991). High-Tech Ventures: The Guide for Entrepreneurial Success. Addison-Wesley, $56.50.

Readings Package - available at Canadian Scholars Press Inc. ($33.95)

180 Bloor St W., Suite 1202, Toronto (416) 929-2774

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Selections fromÖ

(FIN) Bergeron, Pierre G. (1985). Finance for Non-Financial Managers. Methuen Publications.

(MMM) Brooks, Frederick P., Jr. (1975, or 1995 revised edition). The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, paperback.

(SEC) Cusomano, Michael A. and Selby, Richard W. (1995). Microsoft Secrets: How the World's Most Powerful Software Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets, and Manages People. The Free Press.

(MIC) Cusomano, Michael A. and Selby, Richard W. (1997). How Microsoft Builds Software. Communications of the ACM 40(6), June 1997, 53-61.

(TEC) Davidow, William H. (1986). Marketing High Technology. The Free Press.

(APP) Downes, Larry and Mui, Chunka (1998). Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance, Harvard Business School Press.

(INN) Drucker, Peter F. (1985). The Discipline of Innovation. Harvard Business Review, May-June 1985, 67-72.

(PAR) Grove, Andrew B. (1996). Only the Paranoid Survive. Doubleday.

(GRO) Gumpert, David E. (Ed.) (1984). Growing Concerns: Building and Managing the Smaller Business. Harvard Business Review, John Wiley & Sons.

(CAN) Jager, Rama Dev and Ortiz, Rafael (1997). In the Company of Giants: Candid Conversations with the Visionaries of the Digital World. McGraw-Hill.

(MAR) Levitt, Theodore (1986). The Marketing Imagination. Expanded Edition, The Free Press, paperback.

(REG) McKenna, Regis (1985). The Regis Touch: Million-Dollar Advice from America's Top Marketing Consultant. Addison-Wesley, paperback.

(CHA) Moore, Geoffrey A. (1991). Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers. Harper Business.

(TOR) Moore, Geoffrey A. (1995). Inside the Tornado: Marketing Strategies from Silicon Valley's Cutting Edge. Harper Business.

(CUS) Seybold, Patricia B. (1998). How to Create Profitable Business Strategies for the Internet and Beyond. Times Business, 1998.

Reading List: Assignments and Due Dates

Underlining indicates course lecture notes, which appear on the course Web site.

Roman face indicates a textbook; Italic face indicates a reading in the course pack.

15 January

VV Part I Innovation in The Software Industry

VV Part II Focus and Objectives: Defining and Planning the Business

BUS Ch. 1 What Investors Look For -- and Look Out For, 1-23

BUS Ch. 2 Judging a Book by Its Cover, 24-42

BUS Ch. 3 What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?, 43-64

BUS Ch. 4 What's the User Benefit and Other Marketing Issues, 65-87

HTV Ch. 3 The Business Plan: A Road Map ..., 34-58 (skip examples on 51-4)

INN The Discipline of Innovation, 67-72

PAR Ch. 4 They're Everywhere, 53-77

22 January

VV Part III Opportunity and Timing: Market and Product Planning

ENT Ch. 1 First Commandment, ...Primary Participants..., 13-21

ENT Ch. 2 Second Commandment, Define the Business..., 23-28

ENT Ch. 3 Third Commandment, ...Operational Objectives..., 29-36

ENT App. A How to Conduct an Industry Analysis, 145-153

TEC Ch. 2 The Winning Strategy (part), 12-32

APP Introduction, 3-10

APP Part II Designing the Killer App. 73-77

APP Ch. 4 Reshaping the Landscape, 79-109

29 January

HTV Ch. 9 Marketing and Sales (part), 201-244

TOR Ch. 2 Crossing the Chasm ? And Beyond (part), 13-26

TOR Ch. 3 In the Bowling Alley (part), 27-43

CUS Setting the Stage, xiii-xx

CUS How to Create a Profitable Electronic Business Strategy, 3-7

CUS, 123-136

CUS Tripod, 327-336

5 February

VV Part IV Propriet. Technology & Capability: Research & Develop.

HTV Ch. 8 The Product (part), 186-199 (skip examples on 193-5 & 198-9)

MMM Ch. 2 The Mythical Man-Month, 13-26

SEC Introduction (part), 1-13

MIC How Microsoft Builds Software, 53-61

12 February

BUS Ch. 5 Selling and Supporting Your Product, 88-105

BUS Ch. 6 Product Develop. and Manufacturing: Impact on Investment, 106-124

BUS Ch. 7 What's the Management Team Like?, 125-145

BUS Ch. 8 Those %&*#@! Financial Projections, 146-163

26 February

VV Part V Marketing and Sales of Software Services & Products

REG Ch. 2 Dynamic Positioning: ... New Marketing (part), 19-33

REG Ch. 4 Market Positioning: Five Ways to Gain Recognition (part), 53-82

MAR Ch. 4 Differentiation -- of Anything (part), 72-85

MAR Ch. 6 Relationship Management (part), 111-119

CAN Ch. 5 Scott Cook, Intuit: Itís the Customer, Stupid, Part II, 73-85

5 March

BUS The Rich-Gumpert Evaluation System, 164-170

BUS Ch. 9 Shopping For Funds, 171-191

BUS Ch. 10 And Now It's Show Biz, 192-209

CHA CH.6 Define the Battle (part), 155-162

12 March

VV Part VI Cash: Financial Management and Financing

HTV Ch. 4 Cash, Financeability, and Control, 59-76 (top)

FIN Ch. 5 Profit Planning and Decisions (part), 91-98, 100-103

FIN Ch. 2 From Scorekeeping to Financial Statements (part), 18-22, 31-43, 46-49

GRO Ch. 16 A Small Business is Not a Little Big Business (part), 149-159

19 March

VV Part VII Leadership and Management

ENT Ch. 5 Fifth Commandment, ...Proven Records of Success..., 77-86

ENT Ch. 6 Sixth Commandment, ...Reward Individual Performance..., 87-95

HTV Ch. 2 The People, 10-33

GRO Ch. 32 Coping with Entrepreneurial Stress, 319-331

26 March

VV Part VIII Partnerships: Strategic Alliances, Mergers, & Acquisitions

ENT Ch. 7 Seventh Commandment, ...Profitable Base..., 97-107

ENT Ch. 8 Eighth Commandment, ...Conserve Cash & Credit..., 109-115

ENT Ch. 9 Ninth Commandment, ...Detached Point of View..., 117-128

ENT Ch. 10 Tenth Commandment, Anticipate Incessant Change..., 129-142