The Business of Software
Schedule for January-April 2003 (subject to change)
of: 26 March 2003
Date |
Assignment |
Usually the lecture |
Usually the guest entrepreneur |
Usually the Tutorial |
6 Jan. |
Introduction to course |
Innovation |
Brainstorming business ideas (all TAs) |
13 Jan. |
Assign. A: Ideas |
Discussion of assigned readings Focus+objectives |
Raynes Harbinger |
Discussion of business ideas (all TAs) |
20 Jan. |
Assign. B: Plan v.0 |
Discussion of Raynes’s
comments |
Arn Xaplica |
Instructions for Assignment C, group process (individual tutorial) |
27 Jan. |
Assign. C Comments on another team’s idea |
Discussion of Arn’s
comments |
Legault Opal Sky |
Discussion of plans v.0 (individual
tutorial) |
3 Feb. |
Discussion of Legault’s
comments Technology and capability |
Stern: Doing market and competitive research and analysis |
Assignment D workshop (individual tutorial) |
10 Feb. |
Assign. D: Completed Questionnaire and Plan v.1 |
Technology and capability (cont.) |
Frogware Inc. |
Effective business plans, doing an
effective oral presentation (combined tutorial) |
17 Feb. |
24 Feb. |
Marketing and distribution (mktg vs. sales) |
Marketing and distribution (cont.) |
Discussion of plans v.1 (individual
tutorial) |
3 Mar. |
Movie: |
Assign. E: BUSINESS Issue presentations (individual tutorial) |
10 Mar. |
Finance & Financing |
Finance & Financing (cont.) |
Profit and cash, forecasting models and
financial statements ( |
17 Mar. |
Assign. F: Plan v.2 |
Leadership + management |
Polishing the Plan (combined tutorial) |
24 Mar. |
Partnerships |
Discussion of plans v.2 (individual tutorial) |
31 Mar. |
TERM TEST (1.5 hr.) |
7 Apr. |
Assign. H: Plan v.3 (extension granted, now due Mon., 14th April at noon to BA7214) |
Assign. G: BIZ PLAN presentations (individual tutorial) |
Assign. G: BIZ PLAN PRESENTATIONS (combined tutorial) |