University of Toronto

CSC454/2527F: The Business of Software

January-April 2003

Course Texts and Readings

24 Feb 2003

Course Notes - to be posted to course Web site

(VV) Baecker, Ronald M. (2003). The Business of Software. Lecture Notes, posted to course Web site.

Required Texts

(EYS) Baird, Michael L. (June 2000),  Engineering Your Start-Up: A Guide for the High-Tech Entrepreneur. Professional Publications, paperback available at U of T Bookstore (approx $40).

(HTS) Nesheim, John L. (March 2000),  High Tech Start Up, Revised and Updated: The Complete Handbook for Creating Successful New High Tech Companies. Simon & Schuster, e-book available from in Microsoft Reader or Adobe Reader formats, (US$14.99); or in hardcover from or ($50.75).



Readings Package - available at Canadian Scholars Press Inc. ($35.95), 180 Bloor St W., Suite 1202, Toronto (416) 929-2774

Selections from...

(FIN) Bergeron, Pierre G. (1985). Finance for Non-Financial Managers. Methuen Publications.

(MMM) Brooks, Frederick P., Jr. (1975, or 1995 revised edition). The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, paperback.

(SEC) Cusomano, Michael A. and Selby, Richard W. (1995). Microsoft Secrets: How the World's Most Powerful Software Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets, and Manages People. The Free Press.

(MIC) Cusomano, Michael A. and Selby, Richard W. (1997). How Microsoft Builds Software. Communications of the ACM 40(6), June 1997, 53-61.

(TEC) Davidow, William H. (1986). Marketing High Technology. The Free Press.

(APP) Downes, Larry and Mui, Chunka (1998). Unleashing the Killer App: Digital Strategies for Market Dominance, Harvard Business School Press.

(INN) Drucker, Peter F. (1985). The Discipline of Innovation. Harvard Business Review, May-June 1985, 67-72.

(PAR) Grove, Andrew B. (1996). Only the Paranoid Survive. Doubleday.

(GRO) Gumpert, David E. (Ed.) (1984). Growing Concerns: Building and Managing the Smaller Business. Harvard Business Review, John Wiley & Sons.

(CAN) Jager, Rama Dev and Ortiz, Rafael (1997). In the Company of Giants: Candid Conversations with the Visionaries of the Digital World. McGraw-Hill.

(MAR) Levitt, Theodore (1986). The Marketing Imagination. Expanded Edition, The Free Press, paperback.

(REG) McKenna, Regis (1985). The Regis Touch: Million-Dollar Advice from America's Top Marketing Consultant. Addison-Wesley, paperback.

(CHA) Moore, Geoffrey A. (1991). Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers. Harper Business.

(TOR) Moore, Geoffrey A. (1995). Inside the Tornado: Marketing Strategies from Silicon Valley's Cutting Edge. Harper Business.

(CUS) Seybold, Patricia B. (1998). How to Create Profitable Business Strategies for the Internet and Beyond. Times Business, 1998.

Reading List: Assignments and Due Dates

Underlining indicates course lecture notes, which appear on the course Web site.

13 January

VV     Part I         Innovation in The Software Industry

VV     Part II        Focus and Objectives: Defining and Planning the Business

EYS     Ch. 7       Elements of a Successful Start-up, 65-68 (Memorize – yes memorize! – the Brandt’s Commandments [not word for word,
                             just the key idea in each one])

EYS    Ch. 10     Define Your Product or Service, 91 – 94 (portion of chapter)

HTS     Ch. 3     The Process of Forming the Company, 23-30 (portion of chapter)

INN                     The Discipline of Innovation, 67-72

                            ...Drucker’s sources of innovative opportunity

PAR     Ch. 4     They're Everywhere, 53-77

                            ...10X changes... strategic inflection points

APP                     Introduction, 3-10

                            ... To Killer Apps

APP Part II         Designing the Killer App. 73-77

                            ...12 principles

APP     Ch. 4     Reshaping the Landscape, 79-88, 101-109

                            ...Customers, communities of value

20 January

VV         Part III     Opportunity and Timing: Market and Product Planning

EYS    Ch. 10     Define Your Product or Service, 94 -105

HTS     Ch. 3     The Process of Forming the Company, 30 - 52 (portion of chapter)

EYS     Ch. 11    Write Your Business Plan, 107 -120 (portion of chapter)

TEC     Ch. 2     The Winning Strategy (part), 12-32

                            ...Market segments and market share

27 January

TOR     Ch. 2     Crossing the Chasm ? And Beyond (part), 13-26

                            ...Via beachheads in niche markets

TOR     Ch. 3     In the Bowling Alley (part), 27-43

                            ...From niche market to niche market

CHA     CH.6     Define the Battle (part), 155-162

                            ...The elevator test

CUS                 Setting the Stage, xiii-xx (skip Handbook section at end)

                            ...Strategies for e-business success

CUS       , 123-136

                            ...A good case study


3 February

VV     Part IV     Proprietary Technology & Capability: Research & Develop.

MMM     Ch. 2     The Mythical Man-Month, 13-26

                          ...Adding people to late projects makes them later

SEC                     Introduction (part), 1-13

                                ...How Big Bill does it

MIC                     How Microsoft Builds Software, 53-61

                            ...The title says it


10 February

EYS     Ch. 7           RE-READ!: Elements of a Successful Start-up, 65-68 (Memorize – yes memorize! – the Brandt’s Commandments
    [not word for word, just the key idea in each one])

EYS     Ch. 8          Create Your Mgmt Team and Board of Directors, 69 -81


17 February

Reading Week


24 February

VV     Part V     Marketing and Sales of Software Services & Products

REG     Ch. 2     Dynamic Positioning: ... New Marketing (part), 19-33

                           ...Marketing principles

REG     Ch. 4     Market Positioning: Five Ways to Gain Recognition (part), 53-82

                            ...Marketing strategy

MAR     Ch. 4     Differentiation -- of Anything (part), 72-85

                            ...The total product


3 March

MAR     Ch. 6     Relationship Management (part), 111-119

                            ...Effective relationships with customers

CAN     Ch. 5     Scott Cook, Intuit: It's the Customer, Stupid, Part II, 73-85

                            ...A good case study


17 March

VV     Part VI     Cash: Financial Management and Financing

EYS     Ch. 11    Write Your Business Plan, 120 -140 (portion of chapter)

FIN     Ch. 5     Profit Planning and Decisions (part), 91-98, 100-103

                            ...Variable and fixed costs, breakeven analysis

FIN     Ch. 2     From Scorekeeping to Financial Statements (part), 18-22, 31-43, 46-49

                            ...Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow

GRO     Ch. 16    A Small Business is Not a Little Big Business (part), 149-159

                            ...Cash flow, breakeven analysis


24 March

VV     Part VII        Leadership and Management



31 March

VV     Part VIII     Partnerships: Strategic Alliances, Mergers, & Acquisitions