CSC2522: Reading List


     GI            Graphics Interface
     ACMCG         ACM Computational Geometry
     EGRW          Eurographics Rendering Workshop

1.  Kajiya, The rendering equation, SIGGRAPH'86, pg 143

2.  Gondek, Meyer, Newman, Wavelength dependent reflectance functions,
    SIGGRAPH'94, pp 213-220

3.  Goral, Torrance, Greenberg, Battaile, Modeling the interaction of light between
    diffuse surfaces, SIGGRAPH'84, pp 213-222

4.  Cohen & Greenberg, The Hemi-Cube: A Radiosity Solution for Complex Environments, 
    SIGGRAPH'85, pp 31-40

5.  Lischinski, Smits, Greenberg, Bounds and error estimates for radiosity, 
    SIGGRAPH'94, pp 67-74

6.  Cohen, Chen, Wallace, Greenberg, A progressive refinement approach to fast
    radiosity imge generation, SIGGRAPH'88, pp 75-84

7.  Hanrahan, Salzman, Aupperle, A rapid hierarchical radiosity algorithm, 
    SIGGRAPH'91, pp 197-206

8.  Smits, Arvo, Salesin, An importance-driven radiosity algorithm, 
    SIGGRAPH'92, pp 273-282
9.  original Heckbert discontinuity paper?

10. Lischinski, Tampieri, Greenberg, Combining hierarchical radiosity and
    discontinuity meshing, SIGGRAPH'93, pp 199-208

11. Cook, Porter, Carpenter, Distributed ray tracing, SIGGRAPH'84, pp 137-145

12. Arvo, Kirk, Particle transport and image synthesis, SIGGRAPH'90, pg 63

13. Jensen: Rendering caustics on non-Lambertian surfaces, GI'96, pp 116-121

14. Heckbert, Adaptive radiosity textures for bidirectional ray tracing, SIGGRAPH'90, 
    pp 145-154

15. Veach and Guibas, Optimally combining sampling techniques for Monte Carlo 
    rendering, SIGGRAPH'95, pp 419-428

16. Veach & Guibas, Metropolis light transport, SIGGRAPH'97, pp 65-76

17. Kirk, Arvo, Unbiased sampling techniques for image synthesis, SIGGRAPH'91, pg 153

18. McCool, Fiume, Hierarchical Poisson disk sampling distributions, GI'92, pp 94-105

19. Carpenter, The A-buffer, an antialiased hidden surface method, SIGGRAPH'84, 
    pp 103-108
20. Haeberli & Akeley, The accumulation buffer: Hardware support for high-quality 
    rendering, SIGGRAPH'90, pp 309-318

21. Fabris & Forrest, Antialiasing of curves by discrete pre-filtering, SIGGRAPH'97,
    pp 317-326

22. Floyd & Steinberg, An adaptive algorithm for spatial grey scale, Proceedings of
    the Society of Information Display, Vol 17, pp 75-77, 1976

23. Velho & Gomes, Digital halftoning with space filling curves, SIGGRAPH'91, pp 81-90

24. Naiman & Lam, Error diffusion: Wavefront traversal and contrast consideration,
    GI'96, pp 78-86

25. Buchanan, Edge preservations with space-filling curve half-toning, GI'95, pp 75-82

26. Stewart & Ghali, Fast computation of shadow boundaries using spatial coherence and 
    backprojections, SIGGRAPH'94, pg 231

27. Vedel, Computing illumination from area light sources by approximate contour 
    integration, GI'93, pg 237

28. Greene, Kass, & Miller, Hierarchical Z-buffer visibility, SIGGRAPH'93, pp 231-238

29. Coorg & Teller, Temporally coherent conservative visibility, ACMCG'96, pp 78-87

30. Shade, Lischinski, Salesin, DeRose, and Snyder, Hierarchical image caching for 
    accelerated walkthroughs of complex environments, SIGGRAPH'96

31. Cohen-Or & Shaked, Visibility and dead-zones in digital terrain maps,
    EUROGRAPHICS'95, pp C171-C180

32. Stewart, Hierarchical visibility in terrains, EGRW'97, pp 217-228

33. Chen & Williams, View interpolation for image synthesis, SIGGRAPH'93, pp 279-288

34. Chen, QuickTime VR - An image-based approach to virtual environment naviagation,
    SIGGRAPH'95, pp 29-38

35. McMillan & Bishop, Plenoptic Modeling: An image-based rendering system,
    SIGGRAPH'95, pp 39-46

36. Levoy & Hanrahan, Light field rendering, SIGGRAPH'96, pp 31-42

37. Gortler, Grzeszczuk, Szeliski, Cohen, The lumigraph, SIGGRAPH'96, pp 43-54

38. Paglieroni, Petersen, Parametric height field ray tracing, GI'92, 192-200

39. Lindstrom et al, Real-time, continuous level of detail rendering of height fields,
    SIGGRAPH'96, pp 109-118

40. Meier, Painterly rendering for animation, SIGGRAPH'96, pp 477-484

41. Dorsey & Hanrahan, Modeling and rendering of metallic patinas, SIGGRAPH'96, 
    pp 387-398

42. Debevec & Malik, Recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs,
    SIGGRAPH'97, pp 369-378

43. Cohen & Wallace, "Radiosity and Realistic Image Synthesis", Academic Press, 1993

44. Sillion & Puech, "Radiosity and Global Illumination", Morgan Kaufmann, 1994

45. Nagy, Terrain visibility, Computers and Graphics, Vol 18, No 6, pp 763-773, 1994
46. Ward, The RADIANCE lighting simulation and rendering system, SIGGRAPH'94, pp 459-472

47. L. Williams, "Pyramidal parametrics", SIGGRAPH '83, p1-11.

48. T. Whitted,  "An improved illumination model for shaded display", 
    CACM 23(6):343-349, June 1980.

Alejo Hausner and Eugene Fiume, Dept of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Last modified: Wed Jan 12 15:49:52 EST 2000