- Lagrange interpolation
- (Nonlocality of) Lagrange interpolation of a function (code).
- (Nonlocality of) Lagrange interpolation of a function (image).
- Bezier curves
- Bezier curve generation.
- Maple script comparing Lagrange and Bezier forms.
- Image comparing Bezier & piecewise linear forms.
- Image comparing Lagrange & piecewise linear forms.
- Image comparing Bezier, Lagrange, and Linear forms.
- Cubic Bezier approximation to a circle.
- The Maple code.
- Optimal cubic Bezier approximation (x(t),y(t)).
- Optimal cubic Bezier approximation (x(t)).
- Optimal cubic Bezier approximation (y(t)).
- Some cubic Bezier approximations.
- Piecewise Cubic Catmull-Rom Interpolation.
- The Maple code.
- Piecewise B-Splines.
- Maple code.
- B-spline basis functions.
- Trajectories (2-D "space" curves).
- Lagrange (degree 7) interpolation of a trajectory (code).
- Lagrange (degree 7) interpolation of a trajectory (image).
- Catmull-Rom interpolation of a trajectory (image).
- Catmull-Rom interpolation of a trajectory (code).
- Catmull-Rom interpolation of a trajectory (image).
- Bezier (degree 7) interpolation of a trajectory (code).
- Bezier (degree 7) interpolation of a trajectory (image).