A similar algorithm may be enacted, but with
linear interval arithmetic used to evaluate
. The algorithm proceeds as before,
Pixel assignment may be rapidly performed by using provided graphics primitives. When
Slight perturbation of the polygon may ensure that pixels are not set incorrectly, as the following diagram suggests:
Precise, rapid pixel control is posssible; a rapid polygon rendering may be followed by manipulation of the pixels along the perimeter of the polygon. A precise rendering of the graph may be deferred until the clusters describe small collections of pixels; polygon perturbation may ensure all intervening renderings still represent G.
Employing sophisticated interval arithmetics
requires sophisticated graphics primitives;
requires primitives which
render conic sections. Unavailable graphics
primitives may be implemented, but such implementation
negates part of the advantage of using a more
sophisticated interval arithmetic.
When using sophisticated interval arithmetics,
demotions may be used to reduce the variety
of graphics primitives needed:
to be used with
polygon-filling primitives;
to be used with
rectangle-filling primitives.
Jeff Tupper | March 1996 |