Telepresence User Guide
This User Guide describes how the Telepresence equipment works and the features included in the Telepresence computer program.
The Telepresence system (Telepresence) uses several pieces of audio/video equipment and a computer program which runs on your Macintosh computer.
You have on your desk:
Each of these is linked directly into Telepresence through special wiring. Each piece of equipment also needs to be plugged into a power outlet and turned on.
The ITRC Telepresence system operates like a telephone system except that you use your computer to make calls and to hang-up. The system handles all the connections for you, so you interact only with the computer screen.
The Troubleshooting section at the end of this document describes how to check your equipment if there are any problems. Ideally, your power bar should be left ON and each of the four pieces of equipment listed above should also be left ON at all times.
There are two things you need to do to use the Telepresence system. First you need to login to the system to inform the Telepresence system that you are in your office. Once the system knows that you are available, it allows other people to contact you. If you have not logged in you will not be accessible through Telepresence. See the section Logging in for full details.
The next thing you need to do is start the Telepresence program. This is the program that lets you call other people. It is described in the section called The Telepresence Program.
Telepresence Login Window
Your computer account name will be automatically put in the User name box (where it says "your-name"). You should not have to change this.
The first time you start up your computer you will have to enter your password in the Password box. It will show up as a series of dots so no one can read your password. (If you do not know your password please contact the Telepresence technical support person.) Only authorized people may use the Telepresence system.
After you have successfully logged in to the ITRC Telepresence system for the first time, you may not want to be bothered by the login prompt every time you turn on your computer. If you don't want Telepresence to ask you for your password every time you login, then the next time you login do steps 1, 2, and then step 3:
ALTERNATELY You can turn the request for password back on from the File menu of the Telepresence program. If the password feature is currently turned off, the menu item will appear as :
Ask for password.
When the feature is on, a check mark will appear in front of the menu item as
[[radical]] Ask for password
By selecting this item, you can turn off or turn on the Startup Window.
You can control other's ability to contact you using the door states feature of the Telepresence program. You may set your door state when you register or you may change it any time in the future. Your current door state is highlighted. (The door state meanings are described in the section Setting Your Door States .) To change your door state point to the desired door picture and click your mouse button.
You are now ready to use the Telepresence system.
There are two ways to start the Telepresence program:
If you have not yet logged in you will see the login window, as described above. It takes several seconds for the system to start up while it checks to see who else is available and who is away, so be patient. In a few moments you will see the Telepresence window.
Telepresence Window
The individual parts of the Telepresence window are described from top to bottom.
Close box In the top left corner of the window is a close box (shown above). If you point to this box and click your mouse the window can be closed (or hidden) in the same way as any other Macintosh programs. This is described in more detail in the next section.
Your Door State
The icon of the door indicates your current accessibility. The icon is either an open door, a slightly open door, a closed door or a locked door. See the section Setting Your Door States for more details.< p>
Message Box To the right of your door state is a message box. Messages give you information about what the system is doing. You will also see messages here if a person's line is busy or if they are unavailable. You will hear a tone whenever a new message appears to remind you to look at the status line. Messages are removed once the action about which they provide information is complete.
Name list The names of people you can contact are in the name list. Names which appear in grey show people who are currently not registered with the system and cannot be contacted. Names which are appear in black show those people who are logged in. Choosing names and making calls is described in detail later in this document.
Other people's door states:
The tiny door icons to the left of the names in the name list let you know other people's door settings. When you are in contact with a person in the list this icon changes to a check mark.
Special Items in the Name List:
Outside line This item will allow you to place video calls to non-internal locations. It will also allow you to receive incoming video calls from external locations. See the section Outside Video Calls for more details.
Project Room This item allows you to connect directly to the CSRI Project Room (Pratt 376), in Toronto. In this way you can attend a meeting in the Project Room while remaining in your office.
ICR Board Room This item allows you to connect directly to the ICR Board Room (Davis Centre 1331), in Waterloo. In this way you can attend a meeting in the ICR Board Room while remaining in your office.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You should be extremely careful when contacting either the CSRI Project Room or the ICR Board Room. You don't want to accidentally jump into another meeting that may be taking place in those rooms.
Buttons There are several buttons under the name list. When they appear in black they are enabled, and can be selected. When these buttons appear in grey it means they are disabled, and cannot be selected. Buttons are explained in detail later in this document.
Comment There is a small button in the bottom right corner of the Telepresence window, the Comment button. Select this to send a message to the system administrator of the Telepresence system. When you select the button, a window will pop up allowing you to type a message.
Comment box
Here are some occasions when you would select the Comment button:
Door states determine whether another Telepresence user can walk into your office by video, glance at you, and whether they have to request permission before making contact. All calls and glances will be announced with a tone regardless of your door state. The door states have the following meanings:
Glance Ask Contact PermissionOpen yes yes no * others may contact your office without having to ask for permission. * others may glance into your office.
Ajar yes yes yes * others may contact you but you must explicitly accept the call. * others may glance into your office
Closed no yes yes * others may contact you but you must explicitly accept the call * others may not glance at you at any time
Locked no no n/a * no-one may contact you or glance at you while your door state is locked
To change your door state:
Your door icon will show the setting you have just chosen. Others will see this setting next to your name in their Telepresence Window.
Window to change door setting
Select the
button again to turn the mirror off.
Select the
button again to turn the window off.
The Window feature will be highlighted while you have the video window open.
The people you are glancing at will hear a distinct tone, which is different from the Telepresence contact tone. They will, of course, see you glancing.
NOTE: You can only glance at people who are at your own local site. i.e. Waterloo people may glance only at other Waterloo people, and Toronto people may glance only at other Toronto people.
button will be highlighted whenever you have selected someone in the name list at whom you can glance. It will remain disabled (grey) when you cannot glance at the person.
NOTE: If you cannot glance at the name selected it might be because that user is at a remote site or because the person's current door state prevents glancing. In either of these cases the button will remain disabled (grey).
If their door is open, they will hear a tone and will be automatically connected with you.
If their door is ajar or closed they will first be asked if they want to receive your call. They will be presented with a dialog box which looks like this:
Contact Request dialog box.
They can select
to receive your call, and a full audio/video connection will be established between you.
The person you are contacting may be on the telephone or have a visitor and decide that they cannot talk to you right now. They can select
and you will be informed that they are busy, and an audio/video connection will not be established.
If the person you are trying to contact is away from their office, in a few seconds your message box will indicate that they did not answer. In this case we say the call request has "timed out."
If the name you have chosen is someone at a distant location, it will take longer to setup the call. You will also notice that the picture is not as good, since the call goes over long distance telephone lines. These calls need special equipment located at both your location and also at the distant location. If this equipment is already in use at either end the call cannot not go through and you will get a BUSY message.
At present you cannot hang up a call until it is answered or it "times out" (See above).
When this first call is established the contact button changes to an add button. At this point there are two of you in the call. You can now add a third person to the call.
Your screen will be divided into quadrants, and each of the three people in the meeting will be in one of the quadrants. The fourth quadrant will be blank. You can now add a fourth person to the call.
The fourth person is added to the fourth quadrant of the screen. You are unable to add any more participants to the call, and the add button is disabled (grey).
Because of the limitations in the currently available transmission equipment, only one person from Waterloo may be added to a meeting with Toronto.
Do you want to hangup on Bob ? CANCEL OK
This may be modified in a future release of the Telepresence system.
Choosing outside line... and selecting
will connect you to the outside video line and display the following window:
Outside Video Line Window
You may return to the Telepresence window at any time by pressing CANCEL. The Outside Video Line Window will automatically close. If you have made any video calls, you will be disconnected from your outside video line. You may also click in the Close Box in the upper left corner of the window to close the window and disconnect from the outside video line.
If the outside line is already in use by someone else, you will see a busy message in the message box.
Note: Telepresence remembers the numbers you last dialed. The next time you select "Outside line...", the last numbers you dialed will appear in Line 1 and Line 2. You can replace it with new numbers or you can press DIAL to call the same location.
Numbers that are commonly called by Telepresence are accessed through the Speed Dial Box which is located above Line 1. When the name of a location is selected from this list, the video numbers of the location will automatically appear in Line 1 and Line 2. New numbers can be added to this list by contacting your system administrator.
*Outside video calls can be part of a multiparty call only in Toronto because of limitations in the connection equipment currently available.
When the window is hidden a small picture or icon will appear on your screen see below). Selecting this icon will Open the window again.
Telepresence Icon (when window is hidden)
Both the window and the icon can be moved around on your screen and placed in the most convenient location.
To move the icon, point to it and hold the mouse button down. Drag the picture to the new location. Let your mouse button up when you have the picture placed where you want it.
To move the window, point to the Telepresence title at the top of the window and hold the mouse button down. Drag the window to the new location. Let your mouse button up when you have the window placed where you want it.
The system will remember where you have left things.
Conference Room buttons
This button connects the CSRI Project Room directly to the ICR Board Room, for a room to room videoconference.
(Toronto only)
(Waterloo only)
This button connects the CSRI Project Room directly to the Toronto codec (in Waterloo it connects the ICR Board Room to the Waterloo codec). Pressing this button sets up the room to be like a traditional videoconferencing room. Dialing the codec and other videoconferencing controls are done in the room with the PictureTel keypad and other controls. See the ITRC Videoconferencing managers for more details.
When a meeting is in progress, the button will appear highlighted (in black) on the screen of the administrator who selected the meeting button.
To end a meeting press the button again, and the button will toggle back to the unhighlighted state.
The meeting administrator should not turn off their Macintosh, nor should they quit the Telepresence program (using the Quit menu item in the File menu) during any video meeting. Doing either of these may prematurely end the video meeting.
Control Panel : User & Groups
You can use this utility to decide who has access to your files. You create users, give them passwords, and define groups of users.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You assign a password to each person who has access to your files. These passwords are for your computer only. If you change any person's password on your computer, it will not affect their password on any other system.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are many people who can 'see' your computer over the network. This includes many people at the Universities of Toronto and Waterloo whom you don't know. All of these people have <Guest> access to your computer. Use the File Menu : Sharing ... menu to control <Guest> access.
Control Panel : Sharing Setup
You must have File Sharing turned ON for your co-workers to have access to your files. Select the START button in the File Sharing section of this control panel.
Control Panel : File Sharing Monitor
This control panel tells you what folders you have made accessible to other people, and it tells you who is connected to your computer.
Finder : File Menu : Sharing ...
This menu item lets you define who can access a folder on your computer. First select a folder on your desktop, then select the File Menu : Sharing ... item. This opens a window which allows you to specify who can see files, see folders and make changes to the selected folder.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is recommended that you use extreme caution when enabling anything in the Everyone row. Doing so may give people you don't know access to your files. See the Macintosh Reference manual for more details.
Chooser : AppleShare
The AppleShare feature of the Chooser lets you mount disks and folders that your co-workers have made available to you. You will need to enter a password to mount these disks and folders. See the Telepresence administrator for your password. You are able to set this password yourself, so if you make it the same as your email password, you only need to remember one password.
The Telepresence system includes two programs that facilitate screen sharing. One is called VIS-A-VIS and the other is called Timbuktu, and they are quite different from one another.
Both of these programs are commercial products, with their own extensive manuals. There is a copy of these manuals in your office. The following is a synopsis of the most important commands.
Calling a co-worker
Reading a file
Saving a document
Quitting VIS-A-VIS
Turn on Guest Access
Setting Passwords
Connecting to a co-worker
select the
Changing scrolling method
Important note: Make sure the Red light on your power bar is ON.
Problem Description What to check
I cannot see the other person * Is your monitor turned ON?
- my Telepresence monitor is black * Is it plugged in to the power outlet?
* Is your monitor set to "video" and not to "TV"?
* Is the video cable still plugged into the back of
your monitor? (place marked video input)
* Has the other person tried a Mirror feature to check
that their camera is working?
The other person cannot see me * Has the other person checked the above?
* Have you tried a Mirror feature to check that your
camera is working?
If you also see only a black screen check * Is your camera plugged in to the power outlet?
the following: * Is the power cord plugged into your camera (black thin
cord at back)?
* Is the video cord plugged into your camera (place
marked "VIDEO" on the back of the camera)?
I cannot hear the other person * Is the volume turned up properly?
* Is your speaker turned ON? (red light ON?)
* Is your speaker plugged in to the power outlet?
* Is the speaker cord plugged into your speaker?
The other person cannot hear me * Is your microphone plugged in to the power outlet?
* Is your microphone turned ON? (There is a tiny switch
located part way along the power cord which should be
set to ON.)
* Is your microphone wire plugged into the audio box
under your desk?
* Is the audio box turned ON? (light should be ON)
* Is the "gain" on the audio box turned all the way up?
There is noise from my speaker when I * Is the volume on your speaker turned too high?
am connected to someone else * Is your speaker too close to your microphone?
You cannot select a name in the name list * Is the name shown in grey? (person not registered)
* Did you point directly over the name before clicking?
You cannot select the Contact feature * Did you first select a name from the name list?
* Was the name shown in black?
You cannot find the Telepresence * Is the small Telepresence icon showing on your
window on your screen computer? (clicking on it will re-open the window)
* Is the Telepresence program icon on your computer?
(double clicking on it will re-start the program)