CSC 2505 Winter 2001 Reading List
Mesh Fixup
- Murali and Funkhouser, Consistent Solid and Boundary
Representations from Arbitrary Polygonal Data,
Computer Graphics (1997 SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D
Graphics), Providence, RI, March, 1996, p. 155-162.
- Baum, Mann, Smith and Winget,
Making Radiosity Useable: Automatic Preprocessing and
Meshing Techniques for the Generation of Accurate Radiosity
Solutions, Siggraph 95, p.51.
- Segal, Using Tolerances to Guarantee Valid Polyhedral
Modeling Results, Siggraph 90, p.105.
Mesh Acquisition
- Turk and Levoy, Zippered Polygon Meshes from Range
Images, Siggraph 94, p.311.
- Levoy and others, The Digital Michelangelo Project: 3D
Scanning of Large Statues, Siggraph 00, p.131.
Discontinuity Meshing
- Lischinski, Tampieri and Greenberg, Discontinuity Meshing
for Accurate Radiosity, IEEE Computer Graphics &
Applications, 12(6) Nov 92, p.25-39.
- Lischinski, Tampieri and Greenberg, Combining Hierarchical Radiosity
and Discontinuity Meshing, Siggraph 93, p.199.
- Stewart and Ghali, Fast Computation of Shadow Boundaries Using
Spatial Coherence and Backprojections, Siggraph 96, p.231.
Geometry Compression
- Taubin, Guéziec, Horn and Lazarus, Progressive Forest
Split Compression, Siggraph 98, p.123.
- Gunhold and Strasser, Real Time Compression of Triangle Mesh
Connectivity, Siggraph 98, p.133.
- Deering, Geometry Compression, Siggraph 95, 13.
- Guskov, Vidimce, Sweldens and Schroder, Normal Meshes,
Siggraph 00, p.95.
Hierarchical Visibility
- Zhang, Manocha, Hudson and Hoff, Visibility Culling Using
Hierarchical Occlusion Maps, Siggraph 97, p.77.
- Greene, Kass and Miller, Hierarchical Z-buffer
Visibility, Siggraph 93, p.231.
- Schaufler, Dorsey, Decoret and Sillion, Conservative
Volumetric Visibility with Occluder Fusion, Siggraph 00, p.229.
Progressive Meshes
- Hoppe, Progressive Meshes, Siggraph 96, p.99.
- Popovic and Hoppe, Progressive Simplicial Complexes,
Siggraph 97, p.217.
- Lee, Dobkin, Sweldens and Schroeder, Multiresolution Mesh
Morphing, Siggraph 99, p.343.
- Sander, Gu, Gortler, Hoppe and Snyder, Silhouette Clipping, Siggraph 00, p.327.
- Finkelstein and Salesin, Multiresolution Curves, Siggraph 94, p.261.
- Eck, DeRose, Duchamp, Hoppe, Lounsberry and Stuetzle, Multiresolution Analysis of
Arbtitrary Meshes, Siggraph 95, p.173.
Voronoi Diagram Applications
- Amenta, Bern and Kamvysselis, A New Voronoi-based Surface
Reconstruction Algorithm, Siggraph 98, p.415.
- Worley, A Cellular Texture Basis Function, Siggraph 96, p.291.
- Hausner, Simulating Decorative Mosaics (available on request).
- Hoff, Culver, Keyser, Lin and Manocha, Fast Computation of Generalized
Voronoi Diagrams Using Graphics Hardware, Siggraph 99, p.277.
Surface Reconstruction
- Amenta, Bern and Kamvysselis, A New Voronoi-based Surface
Reconstruction Algorithm, Siggraph 98, p.415.
- Szeliski, Tonnesen and Terzopoulos, Modeling surfaces of arbitrary
topology with dynamic particles, Proc. Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR'93), New York, NY, June, 1993,
82-87. (Note: This may be the wrong paper).
- Hoppe, deRose, Duchamp, McDonald and Stuetzle, Mesh Optimization, Siggraph 93, p.19.
Durand, Drettakis and Puech, The Visibility Skeleton:
A Powerful and Efficient Multi-Purpose Global Visibility Tool,
Siggraph 97, p.89.
- Teller and Séquin, Visibility Preprocessing for Interactive
Walkthroughs, Siggraph 91, p.61.
- Teller and Hanrahan, Global Visibility ALgorithms for Illumination Computations,
Siggraph 93, p.239.
Spatial Data Structures
- Funkhouser, Carlbom, Elko, Pingali, Sondhi and West, A Beam Tracing
Approach to Acoustic Modeling for Interactive Virtual Environments, Siggraph 98, p.21.
- Gottschalk, Lina and Manocha, OBBTree: A Hierarchical Structure
for Rapid Interference Detection, Siggraph 96, p.171.
- Naylor, Amanatides and Thibault, Merging BSP Trees Yields Polyhedral
Set Operations, Siggraph 90, p.115.
Constructive Solid Geometry
- Salesin and Stolfi, Rendering CSG Models with a ZZ-buffer, Siggraph 90, p.67.
- Kelley, Gould, Pease, Winner and Yen, Hardware-accelerated Rendering
of CSG and Transparency, Siggraph 94, p.177.
Alejo Hausner,
Dept of Computer Science,
University of Toronto
Last modified: Fri Feb 16 14:22:26 EST 2001