CSC 2522: Syllabus

Introductory computer graphics courses concentrate on approximate solutions to the problem of rendering, such as pinhole cameras and local illumination models.

This course goes farther, and covers techniques for making realistic, complex and beautiful images. Among the topics presented are:

Mathematical formulations of how light is generated and transported
The physics of light reflection and refraction, and their application to lenses
Realistic camera models, including depth of field, motion blur and exposure
Reflection functions (BRDF's), anisotropy and microscopic surface models
Ray Tracing
Ray-object intersections, CSG, acceleration techniques
Global Illumination
Rendering equation, radiosity equation, form factors, radiosity solvers
Adding surface detail, bump maps, displacement maps
Filtering, sampling patterns, discrepancy
The course will consist of 2-hour lectures, Thursdays at 10AM, plus presentations and a term project.
Alejo Hausner, Dept of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Last modified: Mon Dec 20 16:33:32 EST 1999