Here is a description of the file format:
The first lines are the student IDs. The next line has three numbers. They correspond to three marks I used to tabulate the final grade. First (out of 3) : marks given for submitting what is required. A readme file, appropriate makefiles, images, mpegs etc. etc. These are easy marks. Second (out of 4) : marks given for fulfilling the requirements of the project. Implementation and solutions are graded according to the specifications of the project. Third (out of 3) : a completely subjective opinion by me. I decided to do this after it became totally apparent that some students worked way harder than others, but there was nothing in the marking scheme to reward them for this. I also used this to elevate the marks of students working alone. I also saw a lot of collaboration that was approaching copying (particularily for the transformations projects). I was not as generous to those students that shared GUIs, for example. Animations were quite hard to assess without a fair bit of subjectivity.Here are the marker's comments:
980538390 0 0 0 -does not compile. no required documentation provided. 974039070 0 0 0 -does not compile. 990424821 990473812 0 0 0 -does not compile. 991196166 3 4 2.5 -nice GUI, robust computation. 944306640 3 3.5 3 -nice GUI, rotation matrices have wrong sign. Animation very nice. 009891306 3 3 1.5 -manipulating axes not possible on CDF. No rotations possible. 009796558 3 3.5 2.5 -cylinders/cones implemented? Scene doesn't demonstrate sophisticated shadowing. 991046444 3 3 2.5 -spheres, polygons, cubes, cones implemented. specular reflection shown. no transparency/refraction demonstrated. no sophisticated shadows demonstrated. 961022670 3 1 2 -doesn't work. no axes/coordinates shown. no information printed. nice GUI. 951252970 951240750 3 3 3 -very nice reflection. specular reflection off spheres and planes demonstrated. Refraction not demonstrated. Limited shapes demonstrated. 991025797 3 4 3 -reflection, refraction, various geometries, lights all demonstrated. 991025680 2 3 3 -did not compile. no cylinders. no refraction/reflection. 990191939 009870754 3 3 2 -not all matrices shown (shear, rotation, translations) 991093543 3 4 1.5 -very nice animation. 961320420 3 3 3 -didn't demonstrate sophisticated refraction or shadows. 971351150 971343230 3 4 2.5 -refraction doesn't look quite right in scen1.ppm 965003790 3 3 2 -refraction good. colours implemented. only spheres implemented. shadows, reflection, and multiple lights not apparent. 960683520 3 3 2 -examples don't seem to demonstrate reflection/refraction very well, or geometric primitives beyond spheres. lighting and colours very nice. 971330470 3 3 1 -2D primitives. refraction/reflection/shadows not computed properly. nice interface. 961338540 3 3 3 -very nice. refraction not demonstrated. 991321574 980969470 3 4 3 -super. 961348380 961349110 3 3 2.5 -refraction doesn't work. nice shadows and specular reflection. 961500050 961147790 3 4 3 -beautiful images. 961409730 981652090 3 2.5 2.5 -shadows/reflection/refraction not evident. 990769539 3 2 3 -primitive geometry supported. specular lights and shadows not demonstrated. 960055940 2 3.5 3 -no makefiles or executables. nice reflections. refraction doesn't appear correct (through sphere) 973483250 3 2 2.5 -limited geometric primitives. limited colours. limited material types (shiny vs. matte). no reflection/refraction. 971105900 3 4 3 -good. 960281040 3 4 3 -good. 972265150 3 4 3 -good. 960056330 3 4 3 -*extremely* long computation time. very good. 961688330 3 3 3 -3D geometry and colours shown. no refraction/reflection/shadows. Some shading evident. 970827800 3 3 3 -missing some geometric primitives and refraction. 973696850 3 4 3 -very complex picture. nice. 951554230 3 4 2.5 -no refraction but cones look very nice. 976058810 2 1.5 2 -no documentation. very little geometry supported. does not demonstrate that the raytracer works properly. 980609050 3 4 3 -nice. 940402210 3 2.5 3 -linear interpolation. limited number of control points. 961145090 3 4 3 -it seems to me that the number of triangles is reduced/augmented uniformly over the mesh? 970644660 3 1 2 -can't get it to work. control points move but colour not displayed or calculated. Splines are calculated however. 960045280 951199730 3 4 3 -complex mesh. very nice! 961387850 3 3 2.5 -linear interpolation. 984052640 3 4 3 -hierarchical model. splines evident from leaf. very creative. 970536000 3 4 3 -nice. hierachical model and splines. 981885890 3 4 3 -curtain nice touch. splines/complex models demonstrated. 950806530 3 4 3 -very nice movement. 961060420 3 4 3 -creative work. 960184100 3 4 3 -moving lights very original. 990698768 3 4 3 -very good. 961727440 961406310 3 4 3 -nice models and motion. 961514730 3 4 2 -no hierarchical model. 960808280 3 4 2 -no articulated figure. 991268196 3 3.5 3 -very nice. joints don't move interactively ? 990652977 990021604 3 4 2.5 -very original 970435360 970283750 3 4 2 -i assume the velocity discontinuities are intentional for the bumble bee, but the camera and the flower are moving with the same discontinuity which doesn't seem right. 961267340 3 4 2.5 -very good. 961145640 961861040 3 3 3 -nice models. cyclic motion (although very good). interactive positioning? 971399230 971263580 3 4 2.5 -good. 971427790 3 4 2 -good. 951185990 3 4 2.5 -lots of DOF and velocity continuity. good! 990517384 3 4 2 -spline trajectory but linear velocity? nice models and demo. 961274720 3 4 2 -good. 970425470 961344340 3 4 2 -nice animation. 962425190 3 3 2.5 -couldn't setup any keyframes? camera doesn't have to follow the figure hierarchy keyframes. In fact, the two could easy move separately for a nice effect. good work! 931716470 966058030 3 3 2 -discontinuous motion signal for the plane? non-hierarchical models, but nice windmill! 960944330 3 3 2 -velocity discontinuities. error message when 'mpeg_play'? 960881240 984291390 2.5 3 2.5 -linear interpolation. executable could not be created due to missing file 'main.bmp'? hierarchical model nice. 971217810 971880970 3 3 2 -executable is *very* slow? joint transformations don't seem to work in when setting up keyframes. cyclic motion. 961014190 961154530 3 3.5 2 -good speed variations. floor/eye moving as well (part of the animation?) 990591383 990427971 3 4 1.5 -good. 961859050 961859120 a418chov 3 4 1.5 -excellent. 971387400 3 2.5 2 -no hierarchical model. linear interpolation. ball doesn't seem to interact with stairs? 961410360 3 2 2 -linear interpolation. primitive model hierarchy. 962254920 3 2 2 -simple model/hierarchy. animation doesn't seem to be interpolating properly. good interactive control. 960652040 2 4 1.5 -no readme file. simple models. no splines are demonstrated. 971431370 3 2 2 -linear interpolation. hierarchical model. very simple motion (2 keyframes). 971222240 961546720 3 3 1 -very simple models. spline interpolation not demonstrated. 981445360 3 3 1.5 -simple models. linear interpolation. difficulties in setting up keyframes. (only certain DOF work in certain situations?) 971029730 970644650 3 4 2 -good. 962108160 961438150 3 3.5 2.5 -shear/translation matrices not shown but supported. 960817760 961218800 3 4 2.5 -tedious GUI. very good. 971130360 970752590 3 4 2 -difficult to control. 960868230 960882940 3 4 2.5 -good. 962904020 973430750 3 4 2.5 -good work. 970645890 983204360 3 4 2.5 -works very well. 974025950 991269961 3 4 2 -tedious interface? good work. 981018320 3 3 3 -individual transformation matrices not shown. 981890820 3 4 2.5 -robust computations. 976059970 971122450 3 4 2 -ok. 961854830 3 4 2 -ok. 960878090 962033910 3 4 2 -interface difficult. snap to grid not implemented. 981666630 981667230 3 3 2.5 -doesn't print individual transformation matrices. 960865350 962976990 3 2.5 3 -point calculations incorrect. seems robust otherwise. 951419900 961848470 3 3 2.5 -shearing doesn't work. 971800970 970213640 3 3.5 2 -locking doesn't seem to work. good work otherwise. 970821280 3 3 2 -*very* slow? I managed to crash the program. shearing doesn't work. 960959270 961865390 3 3 2 -i crashed your program. shear and scale matrices sometimes give Nan or Inf. 961848420 960826930 3 3 2 -it gave me a segmentation fault. translation components do not work. 009827523 951535490 3 3 2 -can't rotate whole axes? diagonal axes not scaled when rotated 45 degrees. can't overlap 2 coordinate systems. nice interface. 971336120 981823920 3 3 2.5 -shear and translation anomalies arise. nice GUI. 961343380 3 3 2.5 -I get rotation matrices errors. 960880330 983301530 3 3 2.5 -rotations expressed as shears. 971033280 3 3 2.5 -transformation matrices not always correct. 983014570 981686190 3 2.5 2.5 -couldn't rotate axes. individual transformation matrices not given. 981837320 3 3 2.5 -rotations expressed as scaled shears. nice interface. 941199880 961024470 3 3 2.5 -no rotations (expressed as scaled shears?). robust computation otherwise. 985497450 981778160 3 3 2 -does not print individual transformation matrices. robust computation otherwise. 083315063 3 2.5 2.5 -no rotations. transformations not always computed correctly. 960833910 3 2.5 2.5 -nothing works in the interactive version. the text version seems to work. 961014160 961389850 3 3 2 -shears not correct. scale matrix errors. rotations result in awkward translation components? 961267030 961289690 3 2.5 2 -change of coordinates doesn't work. no shearing. 970178780 951659820 3 2 2 -features missing. 009689556 961016750 3 2.5 2 -rotations don't work. shearing yields unusual translations. 932040010 980393320 3 2 2 -does not show individual transformation matrices. can't rotate/lock axes. 990585201 984052760 3 2 2.5 -no individual transformation matrices. wrong computation sometimes. interface tedious. 972925460 971389670 3 2.5 2 -not interactive. can only do one operation per session? rotations incorrect. 970936270 971815880 2.5 3 2 -would not produce executable from 'make'. matrices not printed. very difficult to control, but GUI is nice. 970650110 971805080 3 2 2 -nice interface. no locking/rotation. doesn't print individual transformation matrices. 971970130 093315716 3 2 2.5 -transformations not always correct. no snap to grid. doesn't show point with respect to axes? 960179730 961253630 3 2.5 2 -can't rotate axes. shearing supported but matrices not shown. transformation matrices not always correct. 976065450 3 1.5 3 -doesn't snap to grid. matrices not always correct. does not calculate point. no rotations. translation matrix seems to be a scaling? 950885830 3 1.5 3 -translations don't work. i managed to crash your program. 980619840 3 2 2.5 -no rotations. no calculations wrt. each coordinate system. can't lock axes. 990590632 2 2 2 -doesn't work. no readme file. 971816950 1 0 2 -source doesn't compile. executable doesn't work. 983206900 3 1 2.5 -locking axes not implemented. matrices not correct. 911298200 3 0 3 -nothing computes. nice interface. 961604800 972625810 3 2 1.5 -transformation matrices wrong. does not snap to grid. couldn't rotate. serious implementation problems. 960146770 974072710 3 2 1 -no matrices printed. some calculations seem to be going on...? 971804030 970102380 3 0 2 -does not work.