CSC418/2504 Fall 2000: Submitting Assignment 3
Regardless of which project you implemented, use the "submit"
command. Type the following:
submit -N a3q6 csc418h file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp
All project submissions should include a file called README
which will list:
- Which programming question you implemented.
- The names and ID's of the students who worked on the project.
- A list of all the source and data files used in your project.
In addition, you should ensure that the source code submitted compiles
on the CDF system. To this end, your project should include a file
called Makefile
, and should be set up so that typing
" compiles and links the project.
Depending on which programming project you chose, you will have to
submit additional files:
- For the ray-tracing project, submit an image file. PPM format
is ok, but consider using JPEG format to save disk space. The
following command:
- cjpeg filename.ppm > filename.jpg
converts image files from ppm to jpeg format.
- For the animation project, submit an MPEG file. See the
assignment page for instructions. "mpeg_encode" is also
available for Windows 98,NT.
Alejo Hausner,
Dept of Computer Science,
University of Toronto
Last modified: Sun Dec 3 22:43:14 EST 2000