CSC418/2504 Fall 2001: Handing in Assignment 3
For the final assignment, you are responsible for two parts:
- Written work (questions 1, 2, 3 and 4).
- Project (question 5)
The written work is to be done individually, and the project is to be
done in teams of two. Hence, each team partner will submit answers to
the written work, but there needs to be only ONE project submission.
Project submissions consist of:
- An electronic submission:
- image/movie file
- source code
- documentation (readme.txt)
- Printed source code and documentation.
A few teams have people attending both the MW1pm and Wed7pm sections.
In these cases, the written work should be handed in during your usual
class hour, but the project work MAY be handed in at 7pm.
Alejo Hausner,
Dept of Computer Science,
University of Toronto
Last modified: Mon Dec 3 12:17:59 EST 2001