The first step in my Master's Thesis is the implementation of a high-resolution large-scaled tiled display. I built this 12'*8' display driven by 9 projectors using Chromium, which is a flexible framework for scalable real-time rendering on clusters of workstations. The next step is to use software method to adjust the logical position of each projector properly, so that the image on screen displayed by 9 projectors would be seamless. I used a camera to calculate the homographies between projectors, and then each homography was used to warp a piece of image before the image is rendered by each corresponding projector. The following pictures show the different aspects of the large display:
Background:Projectors and computers
Foreground: Screen back-projected by 3*3 projectors
Chessboard displayed by 3*3 projectors
Rotated chessboard
A challenging problem for high-resolution large-scale tiled displays is to find suitable selection techniques for them. After analyzed various possible selection techniques, I established laser pointer interaction technique as my interest of research. I explored 5 kinds of gestural selection techniques for laser pointer interaction, and then conducted an experiment to compare the performance of each technique.
Other Projects:
I implemented a real-time shadowing rendering algorithm using shadow volume BSP tree for the Advanced Image Synthesis course project.