Learning to Use Complex Computer Technology: The Importance of User Interface Design

PhD Depth Paper
Joanna McGrenere

Department of Computer Science
The University of Toronto

June 25th, 1998


Computer systems (and many other devices that contain embedded computers) are becoming more and more complex as advances in technology permit substantially more functionality to be provided to users. Often the vast number of options, and the sometimes ad hoc manner in which these options are invoked, leads only to confusion on the part of the user rather than satisfaction with the product. This can potentially inhibit the user's growth of expertise. A key factor in designing complex systems is the design of an appropriate user interface that exposes functionality in a way that supports the needs of the user as a learner and does not lead to confusion and frustration.

This paper is a literature review that covers two somewhat symmetric approaches to user interface design. The first involves making design decisions based on an understanding of how users learn new complex systems. The second involves having the system learn about the user and then adjust itself or allow adjustments based on what it has learned. This paper surveys previous and current work in both of these areas and draws conclusions about appropriate areas for further research in user interface design techniques based on these two approaches.

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