Simplified User Interfaces for Complex Software: Bloat Considered Harmful

PhD Research Proposal
Joanna McGrenere

Department of Computer Science
The University of Toronto

March 24, 2000


Computer software has become more and more complex as advances in technology permit substantially more functionality to be provided to the user. This phenomenon has led some people to describe today's heavily-featured software as "bloated". The impact of this complexity on the user has received little attention in the research community. We describe a research agenda that addresses this problem. A comprehensive study looking at the experience of 53 users of Microsoft Word is described and results are given. The study shows that there is a great variation across users in terms of the number of features used and their desire to have many options available. These results lead us to believe that personalization is a promising direction for design. Two additional studies are outlined that investigate personalization as a potential design solution to "bloated" software.

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