CSC 2529 Winter 2004 Calendar
Week 1 (sept 12)
- Lecture (Karan Singh) : Introduction to Geometric modeling..
Week 2 (sept 19)
- Lecture (Karan Singh) : Motivation: Industrial design workflows.
Week 3 (sept 26)
- Lecture (Karan Singh) : Geometric representations: point clouds.
Week 4 (oct 3)
- Lecture (Karan Singh) : Geometric representations: meshes.
Week 5 (oct 11)
- Lecture (Karan Singh) : Geometric representations: patches, voxels,
Week 6 (oct 18)
- Lecture (Karan Singh) : Geometric features and deformations.
Week 7 (oct 25)
- Todd Goodwin, Mike Pratscher
Week 8 (nov 1)
- Alex Kolliopolis, Noah Lockwood
Week 9 (nov 8)
- Patricion Simari, Vangelis Kalogerakis
Week 10 (nov. 15)
- Patrick Coleman, Ian Vollick, Martin de Lasa
Week 11 (nov 22)
- Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Christian Lessig
Week 12 (nov 29)
- Lecture (Alexis Angelidis): Interactive techniques.
Week 13
- Review of class projects.
Karan Singh,
Dept of Computer Science,
University of Toronto
Last modified: Sept 6 13 16:20:56 EST 2002