CSC418/2504F Winter 2002 Assignment 1 Question 5


The program, as provided, allows no interaction. You have to modify it to perform the operations required in the assignment.

Compiling and Linking on CDF

Compiling and Linking with Microsoft Visual C++

Installing GL on your machine

If you have Visual C++, you should have the OpenGL library already in place. Look for the following file: If it's not there, you can get it from, at: The page also has the OpenGL library for MacOS and Linux.

Installing GLUT on your machine has general info on GLUT: To get the libraries for MS VC++, look here: You will have to copy the glut32.lib file to VC's lib folder, and glut.h to VC's GL\include folder.

Installing GLUI on your machine

OpenGL has no user-interface widgets built in. There are several GUI add-ons to OpenGL. The assignment uses the OLD (version 1.01) of the glui library: As for GLUT, you will have to copy glui32.lib to VC's lib folder, and glui.h to VC's include\GL folder.
Karan Singh, Dept of Computer Science, University of Toronto