As you can see, it is still barely functional. I'll be putting it up for
download as soon as it can do something useful (such as perhaps loading
and saving files).
This project is mostly an attempt to get functionality similar to Deluxe
Paint IIe without having to boot DOS, not to mention that there are a
number of cool options I always wished the DPII had. The plan is to make
TkPaint a superset of DPIIe.
The current list of capabilities is:
- zoom in/out (not the best but functional)
- free-hand and line drawing
- color picker
The list of capabilities that I will be implementing next:
- load and save of flat and PCX file types
- palette editting
- floodfill
- gradients
At this point, on my Pentium II, it has reasonably fast redraws in the
worst of cases, but I'd like to improve its speed. The bottleneck right
now is that each update to the image requires three updates: one to my
image buffer (image stored in color index mode), the TclTk photo
widget's buffer (RGB triples), and finally the dithered version of that
that you see on the screen. I'm thinking that perhaps somewhere out
there is a widget that allows you to draw in it using color index mode,
thus skipping the middle step. Else there is always the option of
implementing that widget. We'll see.
I'm totally committed to keeping the implementation in TclTk because:
1) it is so much better in a window environment 2) it can be ported to
any platform that has TclTk (Linux, all unices, Win95, Mac) 3) coding it
TclTk is so much easier and nicer than Athena or Motif.