Xaxo v0.01

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WARNING: the above is in an attrocious state, since the last time I touched it (it's been a whiiiiiiiiile) I was halfway done porting it from DOS. Some things work, some don't. More for educational purposes than for anything else, really. But not on how to write good C++ code... :)

Like most gamers-programmers I have the unrelenting dream/aspiration to write the "Ultimate Game". This is my current entry/attempt, in progress. Roughly speaking, this will be a "Ult!ma 6" type RPG/adventure game, using the axionometric projection, and a rough approximation (IMO, a much better) to D&D combat.

Above you see a quick snapshot of the current display engine's capabilities. I sorely need to code a world editor to produce more interesting worlds (right now the world is described by way of a text file script). That's what I'm currently focusing on. Currently the engine just displays the different walls of each cell. Next will come the ability to place objects in the cells (swords, trees, food, treasure, etc...). Then will come actual world simulation, getting characters to wander this currently-barren world.

Last modified on: Fri Nov 6 00:32:44 EST 1998 HOME Maciej Kalisiak <mac@dgp.utoronto.ca>