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4.3.2 Constant Interval Arithmetic

The super-pixel rendering algorithm maintains a list L, of pixel clusters. Initially, L consists of a single cluster of pixels; that cluster describes all of R. The rendering starts with all pixels set to tex2html_wrap_inline32751 . On each iteration, a cluster   tex2html_wrap_inline38271 is removed from L; tex2html_wrap_inline38275 is then evaluated:

Subdivision is not performed on clusters which describe single pixels; the pixel testing methods outlined earlier are performed on single pixel clusters.

An example rendering, produced using super-pixel testing, follows:


tex2html_wrap_inline38313 denotes a super-pixel rendering, where L consists of tex2html_wrap_inline38317 clusters of pixels. Section gif will provide a motivation for keeping cluster cuts nicely aligned, as was done above. All intermediate renderings are renderings of tex2html_wrap_inline38319 , and may be presented to the user.

Another example super-pixel rendering follows:


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Jeff TupperMarch 1996