Next: 2.7.5 Algebraic Properties
Up: 2.7 Interval Arithmetic
Previous: 2.7.3 Inclusion Property
For any total function
, an implementation
which always returns the universal interval
is valid. Clearly implementation validity
is not a sufficient indicator of quality.
A good interval arithmetic implementation of a
function returns small intervals.
The interval extension of a unary real function
is an interval function
defined by:
where l is an extended real number which bounds
from below
for all x in i; l is rounded down to determine
the lower bound of
l may have the value
has no finite lower bound.
u is similarly
used to determine the upper bound. Although the interval extension
is not a method to construct good interval operators,
it can be used to show that a particular implementation
returns optimal values.
The interval extension
of an n-ary function
is defined by:
Next: 2.7.5 Algebraic Properties
Up: 2.7 Interval Arithmetic
Previous: 2.7.3 Inclusion Property