CSC 104: The Why and How of Computing
Date: June 11

Here are the instructions for creating your own HTML file using Notepad.

  1. Open Notepad

    Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad as shown in the following figure and click on Notepad to launch the program.

    Figure 1: Launching Notepad in Windows.

  2. Type the HTML code in Notepad

    You can find the web page containing the following code
    To see the code, remember to use View->Source in Internet Explorer.

    Figure 2: Typing HTML code in Notepad.

  3. Save the code as HTML file

    To save the file as an HTML document, you need to save it with the extension .htm
    To change that, in the Save as Type box (the highlighted area in figure 3), select All Files.
    Then, provide the file name (example.htm in figure 3) in the File name box.
    Remember the file name MUST end in .htm

    Figure 3: Saving the file as an HTML document.

  1. Open the file with a browser

    In My Computer, go to the directory where you saved the HTML document and double click on it.
    Your web browser should bring it up automatically.

    Figure 4: Running the HTML document in Windows.