
Downloads: Laplacian2D Source (Visual Studio 2010, C#) [Zip]


Laplacian2D is a simple demo of the 2D piecewise-linear (polyline) curve deformation technique described in:

Laplacian Surface Editing. O. Sorkine, D. Cohen-Or, Y. Lipman, M. Alexa, C. Roessl, and H.-P. Seidel. Proc. SGP 2004 (website w/ matlab code)

Here is a screenshot:

The interface is very simple. Either left-click-and-drag to draw a curve, or click the 'Wavy Circle' button to generate the noe above. Then left-click on a vertex to mark it as a handle. The ROI is symmetric around the handle and can be increased using the ROI Size spinbox. Then just left-drag to deform.

The Smooth and Simplify buttons apply filtering operations to the active curve. Clear Curve and Clear Handle do exactly what it sounds like.

Note that there is no way to bake in the current deformation. This is just a demo. Also the linear solver in use is quit slow (and it is even using pre-factorization!)

Known Problems:

You may need to manually switch the target .NET framework version to 3.5, and/or explicitly change the target architecture to x86.


The Laplacian2D code is released under the Boost 1.0 License, so you can use it for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. However, Laplacian2D includes the dnAnalytics library, which uses the New BSD license


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