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Course Information

  1. Getting information:

    1. Read the course information sheet! (Available 1st week in class or at
    2. Consult the course web page! ( )
    3. Read the course news group! (news://
    4. Read the course FAQs Find them on the course web page.
    5. Ask your TA. This is the person running your tutorial section.
    6. Ask me during office hours Thursdays, 4pm, Sandford Fleming Room 2110 (SF2110) (Small map Big map)
      My contact info: Chris Trendall,

  2. Tutorials: You are required to sign up for a tutorial section.

    1. Grading will be 0,1, or absent
    2. Absence is justified only with a medical certificate; tutorial marks can be re-weighted in this case.
    3. The best 10 marks for the 12 tutorials will give the 10% tutorial contribution to your final mark.
    4. You must prepare for the tutorials by doing exercises before you get there.

  3. Assignments:

    1. Get assignments from course website ( )
    2. Submit assignments electronically (see )
    3. Assignments due 9 am each Friday (except the first Friday)
    4. Late assignments get 0, because assignment solutions are posted on the web at 9am.
    5. If illness prevents you from handing in an assignment, get M.D. to fill in the form which you can print from course web site ( )

  4. Cheating:

    1. Small percentage of students try to cheat. Almost all of these fail.
    2. Assignments will be subjected to MOSS (Measure of Software Similarity). This is an advanced piece of software which compares all the assignments and tells us which ones are very similar.
    3. You must get at least 40% on the final exam to pass. If you copy the work of others, it's unlikely that you'll be able to pass the exam.

  5. How to succeed:

    1. Practice. Like any language, you must practice it. Make sure you put in the hours.
    2. Work Scheduling:Do small amounts of work regularly. Regular reinforcement is crucial to retention.
    3. Learn new concepts immediately upon waking. Your brain is usually 'uncluttered' then.
    4. Don't copy. There is a strong correlation between those who copy and those who fail.
    5. Prepare. Ideas will be easier to apprehend if you've prepared your mind for them by reading and thinking before you come to lecture/tutorial.
    6. If you do these things, you can learn much more efficiently and effectively, and the likelihood that you'll do well in the course is very high.

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Chris Trendall
Copyright ©Chris Trendall, 2001. All rights reserved.
