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The Memory Model: All Three Spaces

Now let's run through the same program that we did for the run-time stack and see how all of our memory model is affected. For reference, the program is below:

public class Student {

    public void PayFees() {
        feesOwing = 0;

    private String name;
    private int age;
    private String courses;
    private double feesOwing = 5000.00;
    private boolean scholarship;

public class SecondProg {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Student s1 = new Student();

This is what the memory model looks like before any lines of the program have been executed:

Figure 11: Memory model before any line of the program is executed
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The run-time stack appears exactly as it did before. However, we now have some memory that has been allocated in static space. In this memory is the information necessary to allocate an object of this class (specifically the data types of all the member variables and the definitions of all methods. The method definition has been omitted in order to save space in the diagram) This memory in static space is automatically allocated by instructions that were issued by the compiler at compile-time. (Remember -- we're talking about the run-time memory in these diagrams) These instructions were issued by the compiler as a result of our class definition.

After the first line has been executed, the memory model looks like this:

Figure 12: Memory model after Student s1 = new Student(); has been executed
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Note that we have declared a local variable here (s1) which contains a reference to the newly created object. The value of s1 (i.e. the reference to the object) is stored in the run-time stack. The object itself, however, was allocated memory in object space. Note that the reference stored in the stack frame corresponds to the 'address' of the object. This is how we can use the symbol s1 and have it refer to the memory occupied by the object. Note also that the line about to be executed has been incremented to 2.

Now we invoke PayFees(), and the run-time stack changes accordingly. Before any line of this method executes, the memory model will look like this:

Figure 13: Memory model after s1.PayFees(); has been called, but before any statements of this method have been executed.
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The stack grows by adding a frame for the new method.

Just to refresh your memory, the method PayFees() is defined as follows

    public void PayFees() {
        feesOwing = 0;

After the first line of PayFees() has been executed, we have:

Figure 14: Memory model after feesOwing = 0; has been executed.
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This is where we change the memory associated with our object s1: the instance variable feesOwing is set to 0.

The next thing that happens is that we finish executing the method PayFees:

Figure 15: Memory model after the method PayFees has finished.
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The frame for PayFees() is deleted as before.

Now that we've finished the method PayFees() we are also at the end of the method main. The frame is deleted, as before, and all the memory is released as the program has finished.

This is roughly how the memory model works.

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Chris Trendall
Copyright ©Chris Trendall, 2001. All rights reserved.
