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Specification - What It Should Do

Our goal here is to write a student registration system, and we want to imagine the following situation: imagine that a line of students forms in front of a desk where a person sits. The person is using our software to register the students.

What does 'register' mean? What we'd like the software to do is to record the personal information of each student in a file, and allow the student to choose courses and sections from a course list, which should also be stored in a file.

The information associated with a student should be :

  1. name
  2. date of birth (dob)
  3. student number (student already knows this)
  4. courses (student chooses these)
  5. sections (student chooses these)
  6. fees that student owes
  7. amount of scholarship, if any

We also want to specify how the information will be used. We want the software to be able to:

  1. Given a student number, view all information regarding student
  2. Given a course name, print name and student number, section number, of all students in course
  3. Given a course name, print a list of all sections
  4. Given a course name and a section number, print a list of all students in the section
  5. Print the total amount owing the university, and the average amount per student

Is this a detailed enough specification? We shall see....

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Chris Trendall
Copyright ©Chris Trendall, 2001. All rights reserved.
