The Computer Literacy project investigates alternative methods for teaching computer literacy. The scope of the project includes the creation of well documented, accessible mini-applications in LCSI Microworlds, the mapping of abstract problems and programs into concrete vivid animated presentations utilizing software visualization concepts, the investigation of multimedia computer based learning environments, and the development of a curriculum, materials and a teachers guide for a university, high school or adult education computer literacy course.

The project groups' research has led to the development and implementation of a first year university level computer literacy course (SCI199Y) which bridges the worlds of computer science concepts, programming, applications and implications. The course facilitates students' understanding of fundemental software concepts by allowing them to create simple programs that process text, draw pictures, produce sounds, and interact with their users in novel and imaginative ways. The course has been designed so as to foster student collaboration, through culture, tasks and technology, rather than competition. The Computer Literacy Project group is continuing to augment and enhance the course materials and curriculum at the present time.

Alumni/Past Participants


Sorry...under construction.
Coming soon...Images from our research, SCI199Y material and Microworlds Programs.

CMRG home page

HCI home page DGP home Page

Department of Computer Science U Of T

Last Updated by Ann-Barbara Graff on August 12, 1996