CSC418/2504 Computer Graphics

CSC418/2504 Computer Graphics - Winter 2016

Announcements Lectures Assignments


  • Assignment 3: hand out starter code

  • Assignment 2: hand out starter code Sample solutions BSP 1 BSP 2

  • Assignment 1: hand out starter code Sample solutions

    In order to submit the programming part of the assignment on CDF use the following commands from within the A1/penguin folder of your CDF account:

    Undergraduate students:
    submit -c csc418h -f -a a1 partA.pdf
    submit -c csc418h -f -a a1 penguin.cpp
    submit -c csc418h -f -a a1 report.txt

    Graduate students:

    submit -c csc2504h -f -a a1 partA.pdf

    submit -c csc2504h -f -a a1 penguin.cpp
    submit -c csc2504h -f -a a1 report.txt

    These are the only three files you need to edit and the only files you should submit for Assignment 1. We will be compiling your code using the makefile provided for CDF. You can submit as many times as you like before the deadline. The latest submission will overwrite the previous one. Remember to make sure your code compiles and runs on CDF before submitting your final version.