- In addition to the standard Computer Science curriculum of programming languages, mathematical foundations, algorithms, architecture and artifical intelligence complemented with courses in experimental, cognitive, social and abnormal psychology to create my human-computer interaction background, I have taken some other interesting/non-traditional courses that I would like to highlight here. I also had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at St. Louis University-Madrid, where I not only traveled and photographed much of Europe, but also studied Spanish culture, history, literature, music and language.
CSC2526: Topics in Ubiquitous Computing, Autism and Technology (Fall 2009, University of Toronto)
Graduate seminar overviewing both current clinical and technological research on autism. Final project with
Dominika Ruszkowski on an online social repository for teenagers with Asperger syndrome.
[paper] [ppt]
FNAR337: Information Design and Visualization (Spring 2009, University of Pennsylvania)
Structure of information (text, numbers, images, sounds, video, etc.) and presents strategies for designing effective visual communication appropriate for various users and audiences.
COMM623: Health Psychology Seminar (Spring 2009, University of Pennsylvania)
Graduate seminar on current applications of psychosocial theory and methodology to health-related issues with the goal of suggesting new directions that research might take. Preventive health behavior, HIV risk-associated behavior, psychosocial factors and physical health, practitioner-patient interactions, patterns of utilization of health services, and compliance with medical regimens were among the topics studied.
PSYC362: Research Experience in Positive Psychology Interventions (Spring 2009, University of Pennsylvania)
FNAR222: Big Pictures, Mural Art (Fall 2008, University of Pennsylvania)
FNAR264: Digital Design Foundations (Fall 2008, University of Pennsylvania)
Elements and principles of design and composition through experimentation, iteration and critique by creating imagery using hand skills and the software programs Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
PSYC166: Introduction to Positive Psychology (Spring 2007, University of Pennsylvania)
Overview of the scientific study of positive experience, positive individual character traits, and the institutions and practices that facilitate their development. Final paper on the positivity of pediatric cancer patients.
ESE540: Engineering Economics (Spring 2006, University of Pennsylvania)
Graduate course investigating methods of economic analysis for decision making among alternative courses of action in engineering applications, heavily pulling from real-world case studies.
BE100: Introduction to Bioengineering (Fall 2005, University of Pennsylvania)
Survey course introducing the breadth of bioengineering with weekly guest lectures and a series of small projects and reports, culminating with the research, design, and formative analysis of a novel sensing system and application—prevention of type 2 diabetes, in our group's case.