Defines |
#define | LEAD_COLOR 18 |
#define | ACTIVE_COLOR 15 |
#define | DORMANT_COLOR 4 |
#define | HILITE_COLOR 17 |
Functions |
void | renderBBox (const MBoundingBox &bbox) |
| Render bounding box.
void | renderQuad (const std::vector< MPoint > &points) |
| Render a screen-sized quad.
void | generateQuad (M3dView &view, const MMatrix &local_inverse, std::vector< MPoint > &quad_points) |
| Generate screen sized quad for rendering unlimited, infinite quadric Quad generation by querying Maya is necessary to get a consistent depth buffering.
MPoint | getIntersection (float t, const MPoint &ray_base, const MVector &ray) |
| Compute intersection point and check height limit for infinite quadrics.
bool | getIntersectionLimited (float t, const MPoint &ray_base, const MVector &ray, float dist, MPoint center, MPoint &intersection) |
| Compute intersection point and check height limit for infinite quadrics.
bool | getTQuadric (const MPoint &ray_base, const MVector &ray3, const MMatrix &Quadric, MVector &t) |
| Perform ray - quadric intersection.
bool | intersectQuadric (const MPoint &ray_base, const MVector &ray3, const MMatrix &Quadric, double max_dist, bool is_limited, const MPoint ¢er, MPoint &intersection) |