# file:human.bones
# Skeleton for human model with feet, arms and 2-link torso.
# All joints are 1 DOF, except for hips (3 DOF) and ankles (2 DOF).
# Mass and inertia data from Wooten & Hodgens
# Body axes:forward -> -1,0,0(-ve x-axis)
#right-> 0,0,-1(-ve z-axis)
#up-> 0,1,0(+ve y-axis)
# Joints:(z - pitch, x - roll, y - yaw)
#waist-z,spine-z,neck-z,lhip-x, lhip-z, lhip-y, lknee-z, lankle-z, lankle-x
#rhip-x, rhip-z, rhip-y, rknee-z, rankle-z, rankle-x
#lshoulder-z, lelbow-z, rshoulder-z, relbow-z
# Model construction commands:
# ----------------------------
#bone <#>
#Creatues a new bone. Bones can have many rigidly attached segments.
#seg <x1>,<y1>,<z1> <x2>,<y2>,<z2>
#Adds a segment to the current bone.
#cofm <x> <y> <z> <rx> <ry> <rz>
#Specifies the centre of mass for the current bone.
#mass <mass>
#Specifies the mass for the current bone.
#iner <ix> <iy> <iz>
#Specifies the moment of inertia for the current bone about major axes
#mon <x>,<y>,<z>
#Specifies a monitor point
#hinge <bone#> <x>,<y>,<z> <ax>,<ay>,<az>
#Specifies a 1 DOF hinge at x,y,z with axis ax,ay,az
#uhinge and ghinge
#Similar to hinge but specify 2 DOF and 3 DOF respectively
#and take 2 and 3 hinge axis arguments respectively.
#kpd hinge <parent bone #>:<DOF#><Kp><Kd>
#mon <x>,<y>,<z>
#Adds a new monitor point at x,y,z. Monitor points are points of
#interest on the creature. They are the only parts of a creature
#which are experience ground forces.
### STRUCTURE + LINK PARAMETERS--------------------------------------------
bone 1# pelvis
seg0,0.95,0.120,0.95,-0.12#- add a bone segment
mass 16.61#- bone mass
iner major axis inertias
cofm 00.980#- bone COM position